A draft 25-year vision that charts the transformation of Parramatta to a global powerhouse by 2050 and invites individuals and businesses to “start their story” in the City is now on public exhibition.

Parramatta 2050 outlines a bold long-term vision for the City that leverages Parramatta’s existing strengths, advocates for new opportunities and investment and articulates Parramatta’s offer to a global audience.

“This is Council’s pitch to secure Parramatta’s position on the world stage,” said City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Pierre Esber.

“We want to see Parramatta recognised internationally as a place where people gather to share their ideas and collaborate, create firsts and where great ideas can build momentum.

“We want to make our City a magnet for individuals, businesses and industries looking for a place to start their story.”

The draft Parramatta 2050 vision outlines the Council’s commitment to six city shaping initiatives including to become:

Western Sydney’s job engine creating an additional 150,000 jobs; An epicentre of creativity, building on the reimagined Riverside Theatres and Powerhouse Parramatta with a new world-renowned contemporary art gallery, live music venues and enhancing Parramatta’s night-time economy; The home of festivals, sports and entertainment including the E-sports capital of Australia with a multi-purpose indoor arena and making Parramatta the home base of national sporting teams; A world leader in First Nations partnerships; The most globally connected university city in the nation with a new university campus at Westmead; and An unrivalled River City with a continuous green corridor between Lake Parramatta and Sydney Olympic Park.

The vision identifies potential for five globally relevant districts across the City – each with their own distinct identity and jobs focus and linked by the Parramatta River and improved transport connections including the Metro.

It includes:

a Health and Innovation District in Westmead and North Parramatta that’s a world leader in medical research, technology and well-being; a Headquarters District in the CBD that is home to some of the world’s biggest businesses and key government departments; a Model City District around Camellia and Rosehill that sets the standard for green jobs, green infrastructure and regeneration; a Future Jobs District in Silverwater that will be a hub for new industries; and a Celebration District at Sydney Olympic Park where people gather for major sporting and cultural events. 

The draft vision also proposes creation of a new body, Parramatta International, to foster economic development of the City’s key industries and work with State and Federal agencies to seek international investment.

“This vision is about better connecting Parramatta to the world – through business relationships, through cultural connections and with transport including to a new international airport in Western Sydney,” Cr Esber said.

“Governments at both State and Federal level are making decisions right now that will have far-reaching impacts for our City’s future. Without our vision to guide us, these decisions could end up as barriers instead of building blocks.”

Cr Esber said the exhibition period was an opportunity to help shape a strategy that will impact the City for generations.

“We want our community to have their say on what our City’s future looks like and how we want to be seen by the rest of the world,” Cr Esber said.

“Parramatta 2050 will bring a world of opportunity to our doorstop and ensure our kids and grandkids grow up knowing that in Parramatta, anything is possible.”  

The draft Parramatta 2050 document will be on public exhibition until Friday 19 July. 

To have your say, visit Participate Parramatta.