Stand For Council Information Sessions on Offer

Published on 28 May 2024

Council will host information sessions for prospective Councillors next month to assist those considering stepping forward in the Local Government Elections in October.

Sessions will be held in Apollo Bay and Colac to allow residents to gain detailed information on the election process, standing for Council, the role of a Councillor and the workings of Local Government.

The sessions will be delivered by independent facilitator Ruth McGowan (OAM), an expert candidate trainer and former Councillor and Mayor of Baw Baw Shire.

Council CEO Anne Howard said the local sessions would be an ideal opportunity to gain a good understanding of what it means to stand for Council, and the expectations once elected.

“Ruth is a very engaging presenter and she gives a very honest appraisal of what it takes to become a Councillor, and the pros and cons of being a Councillor.

“Ruth brings a very practical and inclusive approach to these sessions and believes that nearly anyone with the right attitude and skills can be a successful Councillor,” Ms Howard said.

“Anyone considering running for Council in the October elections will find these sessions extremely valuable. I would encourage anyone who is standing, thinking of standing or considering nominating at future elections to register and make the most of these free sessions.”

The Apollo Bay session is on Tuesday, 11 June at the Apollo Bay Bowls Club.

The Colac session is on Thursday, 20 June at the Colac Otway Performing Arts and Cultural Centre.

Both sessions run from 7-9pm and attendees must register via the Colac Otway website.

The Municipal Association of Victoria is also hosting online and in-person candidate information sessions, and these can be found at