News from 27 May 2024 council meeting
Hobart City Council 27 May 2024
News from 27 May 2024 council meeting

Published on 27 May 2024

Collins Street tactical bicycle infrastructure  

The Hobart City Council has endorsed the concept plan for tactical bicycle lanes on Collins Street, between Molle Street and Murray Street, to proceed to detailed design and further project communications, community and business engagement.  

As part of its commitment to complete cycling facilities along Collins Street in the endorsed Central Hobart Plan and the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan, the City of Hobart will begin detailed designs on new bike lanes for Collins Street, with a focus on creating a vibrant city where people socialise, spend and stay more. 

This initiative underscores our commitment to enhancing active, safe transport options for our city and fostering sustainable urban development within our community. 

Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds said this project would extend the Hobart Rivulet Park corridor along Collins Street. 

“This will create an essential safe link between kunanyi/Mount Wellington and the city, providing our community with the opportunity to consider alternative transport choices while also reducing congestion on our roads into and around the city,” Cr Reynolds said. 

City Mobility Portfolio Chair Cr Ryan Posselt emphasised the importance of stakeholder engagement, particularly with local businesses on Collins Street. 

"By uplifting streetscape and providing safety improvements, we aim to encourage more people to ride and walk along this vibrant city corridor. This will create a street for people supporting business and future development," Cr Posselt said. 

The design phase, supported by the Tasmanian Government and the City of Hobart, is set to be completed by July 2025. 

The project will feature adjustable bicycle infrastructure such as line markings, bollards, greenery and signage, allowing for swift delivery and ongoing monitoring.  

"Adjustable infrastructure enables us to seek community feedback and make any necessary changes before implementing permanent designs," Cr Reynolds said. 

Analysis undertaken indicates no significant impact on parking availability in the immediate vicinity of the project with 91 per cent of priority access retained, existing off-street able to meet supply and demand (1843 off street parking bays within 200m of the project). 

On completion of the detailed designs, stakeholder engagement activities, including consultations with local businesses, will be conducted over the coming months.  

By prioritising active transport and community engagement, the City of Hobart remains committed to creating a more sustainable, accessible, and vibrant urban environment for all residents and visitors. 

A petition from Bicycle Network Tasmania with almost 1300 signatures was received by Council. The petition calls on the Council to honour its commitment in the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan to an all ages and abilities cycleway on Collins Street, and for the proposed tactical installation to include separated cycleways. 

As part of the final decision to be made by Council, an engagement summary report will be provided for Council's consideration, and approval will be sought for the installation of the bicycle infrastructure. This report will outline the strategic significance, initial engagement, and key components of the concept design, and seek endorsement to advance the project. 

Central Hobart Plan Implementation Program – year one 

The City of Hobart has been working with the Tasmanian Government and community on a plan to guide the development of central Hobart over the next 20 years. The plan aims to strengthen what is great about Hobart and what makes the city liveable and distinctive.  

The Hobart City Council has endorsed the Central Hobart Plan Implementation Program year one report. The Council notes the public release of the report to communicate and deliver priority actions. This report provides the year one update for Council's consideration and aims to engage key stakeholders, including the Tasmanian Government, landowners, businesses and the community. 

The Central Hobart Plan was endorsed on 25 September 2023, with a resolution to develop an implementation plan by March 2024 and report progress annually. 

Menopause Notice of Motion – Cr Zelinda Sherlock 

The Council will sign a Menopause Workplace Pledge and request the CEO to consider appointing a dedicated Menopause Champion among the staff to make the City of Hobart a Menopause Friendly Employer - facilitate regular support and advice sessions on perimenopause and menopause for staff and Councilors/Aldermen and work with healthcare providers to improve community access to information and advice on peri-menopause and menopause. 

Elizabeth Street Mall information booth Notice of Motion – Cr Louise Elliot 

The City of Hobart will prepare a report for Council to outline options for the future use of the Elizabeth Street Mall information booth, including examining the feasibility of the asset being offered for commercial lease or removal of the structure. 

Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere Notice of Motion – Cr Zelinda Sherlock 

The City of Hobart will join the Breastfeeding is Welcome Everywhere initiative, as well as implementing it on Council-owned properties and public spaces using the available resources, and also encourage other Hobart City Council stakeholder businesses to participate in this initiative. 

Stickers and posters will be displayed in the City’s publicly accessible buildings, and the program will be promoted to local businesses through the City’s Hello Hobart program. This proposal strongly aligns with Hobart: A City for All – Community Inclusion and Equity Framework. 

Virgin Australia and Air New Zealand Notice of Motion – Cr Will Coats 

The Hobart City Council will support the proposed partnership between Virgin Australia and Air New Zealand making a submission to the ACCC's draft determination. It will also inform its regional partners, the Greater Hobart Councils, and the LGAT of its stance, urging them to do the same. Additionally, a media release will be issued to inform the community of these actions. 

Catchment management Notice of Motion – Cr Ben Lohberger and Cr John Kelly 

The Hobart City Council will call for the State Government to create a unified management organisation for the River Derwent catchment. It is proposed this single management organisation would focus on ensuring a reliable supply of drinking water for Hobart and southern Tasmania, as well as monitoring water quality and implementing measures to reduce pollutants and nutrients entering the catchment. 

Crowther Statue vandalism, repair and future Notice of Motion – Cr Louise Elliot 

The Hobart City Council has condemned the vandalism of the Dr William Crowther statue and supports its timely, professional repair. A report will be prepared that outlines possibilities for the repair or not of the statue with regards to professional advice and consultation with key stakeholders.