Greening Central Coast Working Group
Central Coast Council 28 May 2024

The Central Coast Council has a vision to increase canopy cover by 30% by 2030.

To achieve this, the Greening Central Coast Working Group was formed and has created a Greening Central Coast Strategy. To achieve this strategy, four objectives have been identified, which have been broken down into 18 actions for implementation. You can view this by clicking here. 

Three of the actions included: Action 1.1 Develop planning permit conditions that facilitates the deliverance of Green Infrastructure outcomes. Action 1.3 Develop planting palettes that consider climate adaptability and are “fit for site”. Action 3.4 Develop Landscape Guidelines for nature strips and encourage community “ownership”.

Green infrastructure provides multiple measurable social, environmental, and economic benefits and addresses climate change.  It is one of the most fundamental ways to address climate change and provides a sustainable community.  Increasing canopy cover is the simplest form of improving our green infrastructure. So, Council has developed of the following guidelines to allow the community to assist in increasing canopy cover.

Guidelines for Tree Protection on Development Sites

The Guidelines for Tree Protection on Development Sites are designed to assist the developer to achieve ‘Best Practice’ around retention of trees and planting of new trees during land development. Trees are a vital part of our natural environment and play a fundamental role in the visual appeal of our towns and wider communities.

Nature Strip Guidelines 

The Nature Strip Guidelines are designed to assist the community in the identification and responsibilities of nature strips and what is permitted while considering public safety and accessibility.

Precinct Planting Palettes

The Precinct Planting Palettes are designed to allow each precinct its own theme, and tree species have been carefully chosen to fit within these themes.

If you have any questions, please contact Council’s Open Space and Parks Officer.