Council adopts Strategic Community Plan
City of Fremantle 29 May 2024

Fremantle Council has adopted the Strategic Community Plan 2024-34.

The Strategic Community Plan is the City’s most significant guiding document and establishes the community’s long-term aspirations and vision for Fremantle’s future. 

The Plan will drive the City’s planning, budgeting, resource allocation and service delivery over the next decade.

The review of the Strategic Community Plan began in 2021, before the City conducted its largest-ever community engagement program, called Let’s Talk, Freo!, in the first half of 2023.

It included letterbox drops, online surveys, workshops, competitions, newsletters, ambassadors, local advertising and the hosting of more than 36 events across Fremantle, culminating in the Weekend of Courageous Conversations at the Fremantle Town Hall.

In total, it reached 4,900 people in face-to-face and online interactions.

The community’s feedback has directly influenced the finished product, which emerged with five key themes:

A liveable city that is vibrant, socially connected and desirable A thriving city with a prosperous and innovative economy A creative city that is inspiring, diverse and dares to be different A resilient city that plans for the future and is empowered to take action An inclusive city that welcomes, celebrates and cares for all people, cultures and abilities

The City’s Corporate Plan, currently being finalised, outlines how the community’s aspirations will be achieved through services, projects and activities.

Fremantle Mayor Hannah Fitzhardinge said she proud of the work that’s been done.

“The enthusiasm shown by the thousands of community members who were part of this process is a reflection of how much we all care about our city.

“This Plan truly reflects our collective vision for the next ten years, and provides a clear understanding of what matters most to the people who live, work and play in Fremantle.”

To read the Strategic Community Plan, visit City of Fremantle Strategic Community Plan 2024-2034.pdf

Watch our journey to the Strategic Community Plan below;