The results of Wollondilly Shire Council’s annual Community Satisfaction Survey have revealed that residents love the Wollondilly lifestyle, with 95% rating their quality of life as good or excellent.

Satisfaction with the Council itself has increased significantly, with 81% of residents satisfied with Council’s performance over the last 12 months; a 9% increase from 2023.

In other positive news, 78% of residents say they are satisfied with the performance of Wollondilly’s elected Councillors, up from 73% in 2023.

The annual independent Community Satisfaction Survey is one way that Council gathers direct feedback and data from residents to help guide future direction.

Council commissioned independent research organisation Micromex Research in February 2024 to conduct a random telephone survey of residents living in the local government area.

Roads, facilities including schools, hospitals and supermarkets, and infrastructure to support population growth were rated by respondents as the top three priorities for the Shire.

According to the survey, the rural lifestyle, peacefulness and sense of community have remained the most valued aspects of living in the Wollondilly Shire.

Mayor Matt Gould said, “Council is committed to listening to our community members, understanding their priorities, and identifying ways we can continue to make improvements to our services.”

“It’s not surprising that 95% of the survey participants rate the quality of life in the Wollondilly Shire as good or excellent. This is a beautiful part of the world to live in and one we all love!”

“Over recent years we have been working hard to improve our services and we have made significant progress in improving Wollondilly’s infrastructure and facilities, in particular our roads.”

“These survey results are a great reflection on the progress made in the past year and the focus that has been placed on improving services and facilities for the community, right across the Shire.”

“This is a good improvement and shows we are on the right track, but importantly there is more work to do.”

“Roads, facilities such as schools, hospitals and supermarkets, and infrastructure to support population growth were rated by respondents as the top three priorities for the Shire, which gives us a clear indication of where we need to continue to put our efforts moving forward.”

“In response to this year’s survey feedback, we will continue to build on our enormous efforts to improve the condition of Wollondilly’s roads, investing significantly to repair our road network that has suffered from recent natural disasters and historical underinvestment.’

“To address population growth, we will keep a clear focus on development in our state-led growth centres, while securing vital infrastructure for our community and protecting our existing towns, villages and rural lands.”

“Council will also concentrate on providing effective and responsive communications and improving the level of customer service for our community.”

“We will continue to listen to our community through a range of channels, including face to face meetings, phone calls, the Your Say website, Customer Portal and community surveys.”

“Congratulations to my fellow Councillors, all the hardworking staff at Council and our wonderful community. I look forward to working together with my fellow Councillors and our staff to maintain and continue this overall positive trend.”