Town of Cambridge CEO Gary Tuffin Announces Resignation
Town of Cambridge 5 Jun 2024
Town of Cambridge CEO Gary Tuffin Announces Resignation

Published on 05 June 2024

The Town of Cambridge has acknowledged the many contributions and achievements made by Chief Executive Officer Gary Tuffin, who announced his decision to resign on 4 June 2024.

Mayor Gary Mack said Mr Tuffin has been “an outstanding CEO” and that the Council, Administration, and the local Cambridge community had much to be grateful for the valuable contributions he has made over the past year.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with Gary and utilising his 23 years’ experience as a CEO to help benefit our Town and community,” Mayor Mack said.

“Over the past 12 months, Gary has met our community groups, reviewed, updated and rationalised internal procedures, processes and policies, increased staff retention, progressed our IT reform plan, addressed a number of long outstanding compliance issues, delivering a new Strategic Community Plan, Corporate Business Plan, Long Term Financial Plan, and was instrumental in the Town initiating its first Reconciliation Action Plan,” the Mayor said.

Additionally, Mr Tuffin spearheaded the completion of the Town’s executive team with recruitment of two highly regarded directors, Lisa Clack, Director of Corporate and Commercial Services, and Luke Gibson, Director of Planning and Community Services.

Mr Tuffin paid particular respect to the Town’s staff, which he said exemplified Cambridge’s sense of community.

“It has been a privilege to lead a dedicated and talented team, and together, we’ve aided in rebuilding the organisation,’ Mr Tuffin said.

“I express my gratitude to Mayor Mack for his unwavering support during my tenure as CEO, and his passion for serving our community to achieve progressive, positive and lasting change for the Town.”

Mr Tuffin took up the Town of Cambridge CEO role in May 2023, and will remain in the role until August to ensure a smooth transition and to support the executive team to achieve business continuity while the Town actively recruits a new CEO.