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Map of the propsed Sutton Road works
In Summary Council is installing speed cushions and kerb extensions on Sutton Road to enhance road safety. Traffic counts revealed that over 25% of vehicles exceeded the 50km/h speed limit, prompting these Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) measures. The works commenced on Wednesday 5 June 2024 and are expected to be completed by the end of the week. Road users and pedestrians are advised to follow onsite signage and directions, with access to businesses and properties maintained throughout the works.

After conducting traffic counts on Sutton Road in 2021, Council observed that over 25 per cent of vehicles were traveling at speeds of 55km/h and above, despite the allocated speed limit of 50km/h. This data indicates a significant concern for speeding within the area, which Council needs to address to ensure pedestrian and resident safety.

In response to these findings, Council is implementing Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) measures in the area, including the installation of speed cushions and kerb extensions on Sutton Road, near Michel Street. These works were planned to start today, Wednesday 5 June 2024, and be completed by the end of the week.

Speed cushions and kerb extensions are proven traffic calming devices that help to reduce vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for all road users.                         

Road users and pedestrians are asked to obey all on site signage and direction provided by traffic controllers. Access to businesses and properties will be maintained during the works, and the community is asked to take care and be aware of the traffic changes in place.

Council appreciate the community’s patience and cooperation while these works are undertaken.

For additional information, phone Council’s Engineering and Assets team on 5832 9700 or email [email protected]  

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