News from tonight’s Hobart City Council Planning Committee meeting
Hobart City Council 6 Jun 2024
News from tonight’s Hobart City Council Planning Committee meeting

Published on 06 June 2024

65 Bay Road, New Town

The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for demolition and multiple dwellings (three new) for 65 Bay Road, New Town. The proposal includes demolition of the dwelling on the site and the construction of three multiple dwellings.

Two of the proposed multiple dwellings would be single storey with the third unit at the rear of the site to be two storeys.

31 Parliament Street, 1 Crisp Street, Adjacent Road Reserve and 29 Parliament Street, Sandy Bay

The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for partial demolition, two multiple dwellings (one existing, one new) and associated works for 31 Parliament Street, 1 Crisp Street, adjacent road reserve and 29 Parliament Street, Sandy Bay.

The proposal includes a new two-level dwelling on 31 Parliament Street and sewer works on 29 Parliament Street and 1 Crisp Street.

42 Newdegate Street, North Hobart

The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for partial change of use to business and professional services at 42 Newdegate Street, North Hobart.

The proposal includes a change of use of the upper level of the building from a single dwelling to consulting rooms.

15 Gourlay Street, 19 Landsdowne Crescent, West Hobart

The Hobart City Council Planning Committee has approved a development application for alterations at 15 Gourlay Street, 19 Landsdowne Crescent, West Hobart.

The proposal includes a shade structure within the existing school grounds to adjoin the existing school building.

Further information about the proposals can be found in the Planning Committee agenda here.