Lighting up the town hall for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

Last updated on 06 June 2024

The Kyneton Town Hall will be illuminated purple next week in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

WEAAD is held globally each year on 15 June to raise awareness of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation, and to highlight the importance of the rights of older people.

Council’s Director Community Maria Weiss said elder abuse can take many forms including physical, social, financial, psychological or sexual, and is often carried out by someone known and trusted by the person (i.e. a family member, carer or friend).

“Research by Senior Rights Victoria suggests that up to 14 per cent of older people in Australia may experience elder abuse,” she said. 

“Elder abuse is often hidden, so it’s important we as a community look out for any signs of it and empower and support our vulnerable residents to report this behaviour or seek help.”

Warning signs may include an older person seeming fearful, anxious or isolated, injuries, an absence of personal care, or unexplained changes to legal documents or finances.

Council has implemented a range of initiatives through its PARTICIPATE Positive Ageing Plan 2020-25 aimed at supporting older residents in the community, including:

the introduction of an age-friendly community directory, consisting of a range of supports and information including organisations specialised in seniors advocacy and elder abuse prevention social activities via the Village Connect program designed to promote inclusion and an opportunity for residents aged over 55 to come together in a safe environment and discuss issues relevant to them digital scam awareness workshops to teach older residents about common scams and tips to stay safe from them, as well as what to do if they’ve been scammed.

“Council will continue to look at ways we can proactively support and empower our older residents and ensure they feel safe and secure in their community,” Ms Weiss said.

If you are experiencing elder abuse, or concerned about an older person, you can get help by calling Seniors Rights Victoria on 1300 368 821.

For more information visit