Gathering ideas to help shape the future of Upper Beaconsfield Reserve Published: 13 June 2024

Cardinia Shire Council is seeking community feedback to help shape a masterplan for the Upper Beaconsfield Reserve.

Council is gathering ideas to understand how the community currently use the site and its aspirations for the future. The consultation aims to gather valuable input and feedback from the community to inform the Upper Beaconsfield Reserve Masterplan.  

Once developed, the Upper Beaconsfield Reserve Masterplan will become a strategic 10-year plan used to support improvements to the reserve to meet the community's future sport, leisure, and environmental needs. 

Council officers will be at the reserve on Tuesday, 25 June, from 3 to 5 pm to hear from the community and gather feedback.  

Visit Creating Cardinia to find out more and share your ideas about the Upper Beaconsfield Reserve before consultation closes on 9 July 2024.

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