Celebrating Dennis’s Remarkable 100th Birthday with Friends in Harmony
Town of Cambridge 13 Jun 2024
Celebrating Dennis’s Remarkable 100th Birthday with Friends in Harmony

Published on 13 June 2024

The Town of Cambridge is delighted to celebrate a momentous occasion - the 100th birthday of Dennis, a cherished member of the Friends in Harmony choir. This special event took place on 6 June 2024, where Dennis, surrounded by friends, family, and fellow choir members, enjoyed an afternoon filled with music, laughter, and heartfelt tributes.

Dennis is a shining example of healthy aging and living life to the fullest. Despite reaching the century mark, he remains incredibly fit and active. His radiant health and boundless energy are a testament to his positive outlook on life. Known for his quick wit and wonderful sense of humour, Dennis has always been the life of the party, bringing joy and laughter to everyone around him.

Friends in Harmony is a unique choir specifically designed for people living with dementia and their carers. This inclusive community group provides an opportunity for members to come together, share their love for music, and create beautiful memories. Dennis has been an integral part of this choir, and his passion for singing has inspired many. Dennis joined the Friends in Harmony Choir approximately 10 years ago because his wife, Kathy, had dementia. However, when Kathy passed away 5 years ago, Dennis continued to attend the choir in support of people living with dementia, their carers, and his love for singing.

The celebration was marked by a special performance by the choir, where Dennis took centre stage, showcasing his vibrant spirit and love for music. The atmosphere was filled with joy and admiration as Dennis led the choir in a heartfelt rendition of his favourite songs.

Photo: Dennis singing while the choir and his family watch.

The Town of Cambridge is proud to support initiatives like Friends in Harmony, which play a vital role in enhancing the quality of life for residents living with dementia and their carers. These community programs foster a sense of belonging, offer therapeutic benefits, and bring people together through the universal language of music.

The Town of Cambridge is a recognised Dementia Friendly and Age Friendly Community and supports organisations, programs, and projects that assists people living with dementia, their carers, and family members. Some of Cambridge Seniors Services Dementia Friendly and Age Friendly community initiatives include:

For more information, contact Cambridge Senior Services on (08) 9285 3136. If you are interested in joining the Friends in Harmony choir or learning more about this wonderful community group, please visit Alzheimer's WA. Together, we can continue to create meaningful experiences and celebrate the remarkable individuals in our community.

Happy 100th Birthday, Dennis! Here’s to many more years of health, happiness, and harmony.