Jim Parkes Reserve to be upgraded Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik officially marked the construction at the site with Lee Tarlamis and Michael Galea, Members for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region, alongside Beacon Hills Ward Councillor Brett Owen. Published: 24 June 2024

Cardinia Shire Council has turned the first sod to mark the revitalisation of the Jim Parkes Reserve in Beaconsfield.

Featuring a new playground, open space, gathering areas, landscaping and a new shelter, the site upgrade has been informed by local community consultation.  

Cardinia Shire Mayor Councillor Jack Kowarzik officially marked the construction at the site with Michael Galea and Lee Tarlamis, Members for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region, alongside Beacon Hills Ward Councillor Brett Owen and Toomuc Ward Councillor Stephanie Davies.  

Jim Parkes Reserve is supported and funded by Council and the Victorian Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.  

Mayor Kowarzik thanked the community for their input into the Reserve Masterplan. 

“Jim Parkes Reserve has a great location in Beaconsfield, right in the centre of town. I can’t wait to see the community’s vision for this reserve to be brought to life.” 

"I’d like to thank the Victorian State Government for their support of the project through the Growing Suburbs Fund.” 

Beacon Hills Ward Councillor Brett Owen is excited to see works start on the project. 

“It’s fantastic to see Jim Parkes Reserve receiving a well-deserved upgrade. This reserve is absolutely in need of a new playground and shelter. The improved drainage, connecting pathways and landscaping will enhance accessibility to all and make coming out here very enjoyable. 

These works will provide additional opportunities for recreation, relaxation and play and really bring the community together.” 

The reserve’s concept plan was adopted in 2023 following community consultation. The reserve upgrade is expected to be completed by October 2024. 

For more information on Jim Parkes Reserve, please visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay 

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