Media Release – Central Coast Council hosts first Planning Information Session to explain land use p…
Central Coast Council 24 Jun 2024

[Photo features Carolyn Harris – Manager Development Support and Kellie Keating – Land Use Planner]

At an upcoming Planning Information Session, Land Use Planners from Central Coast Council’s (the Council’s) Development Support team will answer audience questions and explain how the Tasmanian Planning Scheme works.

When: Thursday, 27 June 2024, from 6.00pm-7.30pm.

Where: The event will be held at the Gnomon Pavillion, Wharf Street, Ulverstone.

Click here to register or to submit a question to be answered on the night.

The initiative is a continuation of the Council’s efforts to make it easier for people to undertake responsible development in Tasmania’s Central Coast. It follows a property industry roundtable held late last year, and a recent restructuring which saw the Council’s Planning, Building and Plumbing staff come together in one team to streamline the customer experience.

The Council’s Director Community, Growth and Development, Daryl Connelly, said that fronting up to a public forum is a different way of working for planning staff, but they’ve embraced the opportunity.

“Planning staff have a tough gig because they have to strictly apply state based legislation and a state based planning scheme. Neither they nor Council make the rules, but are obliged to enforce them. By helping people understand what those rules are though and how the system works, we are hoping to reduce the frustration, costs and time delays that are sometimes experienced by developers. It’s not common for Council planners to do that in a public forum, but the team saw this as a way that they could contribute to Council’s new direction.” said Mr Connelly.

Central Coast Mayor, Cr Cheryl Fuller, encouraged the community to get behind the event.

“There is always a lot of community interest in land use planning, with my fellow Councillors and I regularly field questions from the community about how the system works or about particular development applications.” – Said Mayor Cheryl Fuller.

“While this information session won’t be a forum to discuss specific developments, it will be a great opportunity for builders, developers, or anybody with an interest in placemaking and sustainability, to learn more about how the system works and meet relevant Council staff.”  She said.