A Fair Access Policy to support inclusive sport  Published: 25 June 2024

Cardinia Shire Council has developed a Fair Access Policy to support women and girls in sport. 

This new policy establishes a strong and consistent framework to promote and facilitate the participation of women and girls in sporting activities within the Cardinia Shire.  

The policy aims to enhance, develop, and effectively manage the sport and active recreation facilities and opportunities available in Cardinia to ensure equitable access for all members of the community.   

Council developed the policy in direct response to the Fair Access Policy Roadmap, a strategic initiative introduced by the Office for Women in Sport and Recreation in collaboration with Sport and Recreation Victoria. The roadmap aims to foster a more inclusive and accessible environment within the community sports sector, ensuring that sporting spaces are welcoming and accommodating to individuals from all walks of life. 

Cardinia Shire Mayor, Cr Jack Kowarzik, expressed his support for the new policy and the Shire's commitment to providing equal access. 

"We are committed to creating an inclusive and supportive environment for women and girls in sports, and the Fair Access Policy is a significant step towards achieving this goal." Mayor Kowarzik said.  

"We are dedicated to ensuring that all members of our community have equal access to sports and the opportunity to participate." 

Cardinia Shire Council is seeking feedback and ideas on the draft policy to improve and enhance access to sport and active recreation opportunities in Cardinia. 

Visit Creating Cardinia to have your say before consultation closes on Sunday, 14 July 2024. 

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