Published on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at …
Town of Bassendean 26 Jun 2024

Published on Wednesday, 26 June 2024 at 8:35:21 AM

The Town of Bassendean remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguard its urban forest, taking proactive steps to enforce tree protection through an amended draft Local Planning Policy (LPP 13).

The revised LPP 13, which is set to be advertised for public comment, mandates that individuals seek approval for any works or development that may impact trees under specific circumstances. Additionally, the policy maintains minimum tree requirements for residential developments, ensuring retention or planting of a minimum number of trees of a specified size, adjusted according to the density and lot dimensions. The draft policy underscores the Town's dedication to environmental sustainability and enhancing its tree canopy coverage.

Earlier this year, on 27 February 2024, the Council initially supported the advertisement of an amended draft LPP 13 requiring development approval for the removal of mature trees on private property. However, the Department of Planning, Lands, and Heritage subsequently required amendments to Local Planning Scheme 11 (LPS 11), which exempted tree removals from requiring development approval unless listed on the Significant Tree Register. The impact of those amendments was to render draft LPP 13 ineffective. Consequently, on 26 March 2024, the Council rescinded its decision to advertise the draft LPP 13. On 9 April 2024, the Town received confirmation that the Minister for Planning had approved LPS 11 and removed the exemption, thereby enabling Bassendean to pursue the amended LPP 13.

If LPP 13 is adopted after advertising, it will be an offence to damage a regulated tree without prior approval from the Town.

The Town encourages community engagement during the advertisement phase to ensure robust feedback. Mayor Kathryn Hamilton said, "The revised Local Planning Policy 13 underscores the Council's commitment to reflecting the community's desire to preserve Bassendean's green, natural character while balancing development with environmental sustainability. We encourage residents to participate in the upcoming advertisement phase to share their feedback on these policy amendments."

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