2024/2025 Council Budget adopted

Published on 27 June 2024

More than $29 million of capital works will occur throughout the Gannawarra during the coming 12 months following the adoption of the 2024/2025 Gannawarra Shire Council Budget.

Adopted at the June 2024 Council Meeting, Council’s key annual financial document outlines how Council will spend the $53.373 million of revenue generated through rates, charges and grants during 2024/2025, with an underlying surplus of $389,000.

“Council’s 2024/2025 Budget will continue to support key services our residents rely on and invest in some significant capital works projects, made possible thanks to the support of the State and Federal governments,” Mayor Ross Stanton said.

“The underlying surplus is an improvement compared to the proposed version of the budget ($5,000), however we are committed to looking at ways we can continue to maintain current service levels under challenging economic constraints.”

Council’s major capital works project for 2024/2025 is construction of The Glasshouse @ The Gannawarra, which is to be incorporated into Kerang’s Sir John Gorton Library.

“Residents and visitors to the area will benefit from The Glasshouse @ The Gannawarra for many years to come, with this project not possible without the support of the State Government’s Living Libraries Infrastructure Program and the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program,” Mayor Stanton said.

The 2024/2025 Budget will also support the future redevelopment of the Cohuna and Kerang swimming pools, with $80,000 allocated to engage a designer to development plans for both sites, based on information outlined in the Gannawarra Aquatic Strategy.

“Once approved by Councillors following a community engagement period, Council will use the designs to seek funding from the State and Federal governments to complement Council’s contribution to these key works,” Mayor Stanton said.

Work to repair roads damaged by the 2022 floods will continue throughout 2024/2025, with $8 million allocated to support these works, with $298,000 to be provided for urban stormwater network and pump renewal works to minimise flooding during future storm events.

Other major initiatives supported by the 2024/2025 Budget include:

Gravel road resheeting ($1.21 million); Bitumen road reseal ($1.06 million); Sealed road rehabilitation ($1.02 million); Apex Park Road bridge replacement ($632,000) Kervins Road bridge replacement ($503,000) McLeans Bridge replacement ($298,000) Kerb replacement ($266,000); and Footpath replacement ($160,000).

“The 2024/2025 Budget maintains key services Council provides to the community, such as our popular Children’s services, libraries, waste management and recreational facilities,” Mayor Stanton said.

“The 2024/2025 Budget also complies with the State Government’s Fair Go Rates System, which states that the total revenue raised through municipal rates cannot increase by more than 2.75 per cent compared to the previous year.”

Council sought community feedback regarding the 2024/2025 Proposed Budget during a 29-day period, resulting in 10 people providing feedback.

“Council thanks residents who took the time to provide input into the 2024/2025 Budget and looks forward to working with the community to implement the extensive projects and services outlined in the document,” Mayor Stanton said.

To download the 2024/2025 Gannawarra Shire Council Budget, click on the Budget heading at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/documents