Have your say on draft Timboon Precinct Plan

Published on 28 June 2024

After extensive community consultation, Corangamite Shire Council has drafted a Precinct Plan to a welcoming and attractive Timboon town centre.

Mayor and Project Working Group Chair Kate Makin said the plan was a visual urban design framework for the town’s public spaces.

“It includes ways to enhance the town centre’s public spaces to support business, encourage community use, and attract tourism and investment,” Cr Makin said.

“With Timboon being at the meeting of the Camperdown-Timboon Rail Trail and the Twelve Apostles Trail, it is seeing more tourism and events.

“How can we better use the Power Creek reserve, village green, Senior Citizens building and Railway Shed?

“There has been some great private investment in the distillery and the ice-creamery, but this plan is a chance to make sure future development makes sense for the community and visitors and isn’t just willy-nilly.

“Early this year Council reached out to the Timboon community to find out what they love about Timboon’s town centre, and what they want to see in the future.

“This included a community launch event, online surveys, activities and feedback from various classes at the Timboon School, and a design workshop with the Project Working Group.

“This really is a community-led vision: for the residents and by the residents.

“I encourage residents to have a look and leave your feedback so we can work towards a town centre you will be really proud to call home.”

Cr Makin said the ideas in the draft are based on around four themes:

movement and connectivity; community infrastructure and outdoor public space; sustainability and environment; and built form and interfaces.

“So far we have had 190 people give some fantastic ideas including pedestrian and bike crossings, new public toilets, a community hub at the Senior Citizen Centre, more large vehicle parking for caravans, murals and more trees or shade sails.

“Out of a population of 800 there are still a lot of people we haven’t heard from so I encourage everyone to download the draft plan, talk about it with friends and family, and have your say.”

The draft can be viewed here.

Feedback can be left on the website or written submissions can be made to Council at

Corangamite Shire PO Box 84 Camperdown, 3260.

The Timboon Precinct Plan arises from the Positioning Timboon and Simpson and Simpson Structure Plan (2020), the Timboon Community Plan, the Grow and Prosper Framework, as well as community interest to support the growth of the town with a consistent vision and to enhance tourism opportunities.

For more information, call Strategic Planner Kristen Wilkes or Manager planning and Building Services Aaron Moyne on 5593 7100.