Rainbow Flag to fly annually on IDAHOBIT Day

Published on 02 July 2024

The Rainbow Flag will be flown on Gannawarra Shire Council-managed community flagpoles annually on the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersex discrimination, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) from May 2025 following approved changes to Council’s Flags policy and Community Flag Schedule.

Initially adopted in May 2023 following an extensive community engagement period, the Flags policy and accompanying Community Flag Schedule addresses Council’s compliance to the Flags Act 1953 and The Australian flags – part 2: The protocols for the appropriate use and the flying of the flag, which outlines the flying of the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags outside government buildings.

The documents also outline how residents can request to fly flags not listed in the Community Flag Schedule, including appropriate conditions.

“The Flags policy and Community Flag Schedule has assisted Council officers to adhere to the flying of the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags outside Council buildings during key days of celebration and commemoration, including Remembrance Day, ANZAC Day and Australia Day,” Mayor Ross Stanton said.

“The policy also outlines the process required for Council to consider flying flags not listed in the Community Flag Schedule, including a recent request from Northern District Community Health (NDCH) to fly the Rainbow Flag on Council-managed community flagpoles on 17 May for IDAHOBIT.”

Following a recommendation from Councillors, residents were able to provide feedback regarding proposed changes to the policy and schedule, as well as NDCH’s request for the Rainbow Flag on Council-managed community flagpoles on 17 May annually for 2025 during a 28-day community engagement period.

There was a strong response from residents and others interested in both documents, with 94 responses received during the community engagement period. Out of these responses, 53 supported a request for the Rainbow Flag to fly on Council-managed flagpoles annually on IDAHOBIT.

“Council thanks all resident who took the time to provide feedback on both documents, with the number of submissions received significantly higher than many other engagement processes conducted during this election term,” Mayor Stanton said.

“All responses received were de-identified and provided to Councillors to assist with determining our final decision.

“In compliance with Council’s Public Transparency policy and to ensure community feedback on Council-related matters can occur in a safe manner, feedback provided will remain confidential as the themes and comments received would likely cause harm to individuals within the community.”

To view the Flag policy and accompanying Community Flag Schedule, please click on the Policies heading at www.gsc.vic.gov.au/documents

ABOVE: Former Mayor, Cr Charlie Gillingham with residents on IDAHOBIT Day 2023, which saw the Rainbow Flag fly on Council-managed community flagpoles for the first time.