Council adopts 2024/2025 Budget
Benalla Rural City 2 Jul 2024
Council adopts 2024/2025 Budget

Published on 02 July 2024

Benalla Rural City Council is pleased to announce the formal adoption of the 2024/2025 Budget during its recent Council meeting held on 26 June 2024. This budget represents a significant milestone in Council’s commitment to enhancing amenities for residents and promoting sustainable growth in our region.

Mayor Cr Danny Claridge expressed his enthusiasm for the approved budget, emphasising its positive impact on the community.

"This budget is a testament to our dedication to responsible financial planning and strategic investment. It enables us to address critical priorities and deliver essential services that enhance community well-being.”

The budgeted total revenue for 2024/25 is $38.956 million, compared to a forecast of $36.145 million for the current year.

“Despite emergency works related to natural disasters impacting our community, we have managed to reduce total expenditure from 2023/24 by $2.582 million, while a surplus for the 2024-2025 financial year is projected to be $184,000.”

Key initiatives include the commencement of the Benalla Art Gallery Redevelopment, progress on the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre Redevelopment Project, and we are also developing an Open Space Strategy, Masterplans for Churchill Recreation Reserve and the Barkly Street Precinct, and implementing new information technology systems,” Cr Claridge said.

The Capital Works program for the four-year budget allocates $31.670 million, with $27.689 million earmarked for asset renewal and upgrades. Major projects include road network improvements, drainage projects, connectivity and shared pathways, rural bridge upgrades, and landfill rehabilitation.

“We extend our gratitude to the community for their input during the budget consultation process. Your feedback has shaped this budget, ensuring it aligns with the community’s needs,” Cr Claridge said.

The budget prioritises community well-being through initiatives such as improved drainage systems, upgraded recreational facilities, and support for local events. The budget also allocates funds for environmental projects, including tree planting, waste reduction programs, and sustainable practices within Council operations.

Mayor Claridge acknowledged the challenges posed by cost-of-living pressures and the lingering effects of COVID-19 when considering the average rate increase of 2.75 per cent, which adheres to the Victorian Government's Fair Go Rates System. He assured residents that the Council had carefully considered these factors while developing the budget.