A staff exchange program between Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) and its Korean sister city Paju continues to open doors to best practice and new ideas for both cities. Paju City Volunteer Centre team leader Sung-Hak Yeo visited Toowoomba between June 25-28 to study Toowoomba’s volunteer programs and how they are managed. Paju established and opened a Customer Service Centre earlier this year based on the Toowoomba model it observed on a previous staff exchange and Mr Yeo was here to look at the best practice and skills used in volunteer coordination. TRC engages with more than 600 volunteers across a suite of Council programs and Mr Yeo visited council-run facilities including the Crows Nest Nursery, Crows Nest Art Gallery, Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery and Pittsworth Pioneer Village. Toowoomba Region Mayor Geoff McDonald, who met with Mr Yeo, said the Korean council officer was impressed with the passion and enthusiasm of staff and volunteers while in the Garden City. “Mr Yeo told me he will take several ideas back to Korea where he hopes to implement them. He was particularly keen on recommending the development of a nursery service based on what he observed at our Crows Nest operation,” Mayor McDonald said. “He also hopes to develop an event register for their website, introduce volunteer-branded lanyards and implement an annual volunteer recognition theme like we do during National Volunteer Week,” he said. “Our sister city relationships have traditionally centred around diplomatic and cultural purposes, however, the sharing of best practice, knowledge and skills will foster innovation, enhance public services, and drive sustainable development, leading to better outcomes for our residents. “We have a 21-year-old relationship with Paju, and the staff exchange program continues to open doors to new ideas for both cities.” Image: Toowoomba Visitor Information Centre Acting Coordinator Trish Lambert shows interpreter Ko eun Lee and Paju Council officer Sung-hak Yeo through some of the activities on offer. Mr Yeo visited Toowoomba as part of a staff exchange program between the two sister cities. His focus was Toowoomba’s volunteer programs and how they are managed.