Businesses and heritage property owners seeking to transform their shop or building façade now have an easier way to create visual appeal with Council’s Vibrant Parramatta Program.

The program, which was endorsed by Council this week, has been redeveloped from the existing Façade Improvement Grant Program that provides funding to business owners and tenants to improve the visual appearance and quality of their building façade, awning or shopfront.

It will see $100,000 per year invested in wall art and lighting installations, as well as improvements to the visual appearance of building facades, shopfronts, awnings across the City.

City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Pierre Esber said the program is about much more than giving buildings a lick of paint.

“This program will help revitalise tired buildings and attract people to all the hidden gems across our City,” Cr Esber said.

“The artworks at Eat Street and Phillip Lane have become a talking point when people are out and about in the heart of Parramatta and this is how we bring our vibrant City to life.

“Parramatta is thriving, with art and culture at every turn so this is a chance for us to showcase our unique stories, people and City through art.

“I encourage businesses, property owners and artists who want to leave their mark in a global City to apply when applications open later this year.”

Council’s Vibrant Parramatta Program includes:

Vibrancy – up to $30,000 for successful applicants to contribute towards transforming a public facing wall with medium to large scale murals (including lighting installations) in their neighbourhood Façade Restoration – up to $20,000 for successful applicants to restore the public facing façade of eligible buildings

The selection criteria for both categories are merit based with consideration to the needs, location and impacts to the surrounding neighbourhood.