A steering committee to oversee the construction of the Cairns Water Security Stage 1 (CWSS1) will ensure the project remains on track.

Cairns Mayor Amy Eden, Deputy Mayor Brett Olds and Division 2 Councillor Matthew Tickner were today appointed to the steering committee.

The governance structure is based upon similar models successfully used to support the delivery of other major projects, including Cairns Gallery Precinct, Cairns Performing Arts Centre, and the Esplanade Dining Precinct upgrades.

During construction, the steering committee will be able to respond quickly to matters that require immediate discussion and deliberation.

However, matters that are significantly outside the current scope and budget of the project, or are considered major or sensitive, will be referred to the full Council for decision.

An independent program assurance advisor will also be appointed to the Steering Committee and six-monthly health checks will be undertaken by an independent advisory group.

All Councillors will have the option of attending Project Steering Committee meetings.

Construction of CWSS1 is anticipated to start in August.

The Queensland Government announced last month that it had increased its commitment to the project by $87.5 million to $195 million.

Council again thanks the State Government for their commitment, and expresses its gratitude to local State Members Michael Healy, Curtis Pitt and Craig Crawford who were tireless in advocating for this outcome on our city’s behalf.

Council will now work with the State and local federal representatives, including Warren Entsch and Senator Nita Green who are both supporters of the project, to secure a matched Federal Government commitment.

The Federal Government has previously committed $107.5 million to the project.