A two-year plan to guide the city’s recovery from the unpreceded December floods is underway.

The Tropical Cyclone Jasper Local Disaster Recovery Plan 2024-2026 will guide local leaders, service organisations, and both State and Federal Governments through the recovery process.

The plan is designed to tackle short and medium-term needs while laying the foundation for long-term resilience.

The Cairns Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is leading this effort, focusing on rebuilding our infrastructure, addressing environmental impacts, and rolling out initiatives to support our economic and social recovery.

A major objective of the plan is to secure funding to alleviate the financial impact the floods dealt to our local economy, which is estimated at almost $390 million for the Cairns Local Government Area (LGA) according to the Tropical Cyclone Jasper Economic Impact Assessment.

Conus Business Consultancy Services was engaged by Council to produce the report, which surveyed 511 organisations across our region, from Port Douglas and Cape Tribulation in the north to the Tablelands and Mount Garnet in the west, and Innisfail, Tully, and Cardwell in the south.

The findings revealed the floods caused an estimated $389.4 million impact in the LGA alone, and $649.1 million across the broader Cairns SA4 region.

Of those surveyed, 85.9% reported being affected, with 73.2% having to close temporarily and 38.8% facing employment impacts. Sadly, nearly 3% of businesses reported permanent closure.

Insurance remains a challenge for many, with numerous businesses still awaiting assessment outcomes. The median insurance payout so far is only $15,000 across Cairns LGA and SA4 geographies, and just over 50% of asset damage seems to be covered by insurance.

Despite these challenges, the Cairns community is resilient.

In our local area, 83.8% of businesses reported impacts, with an average recovery time of about 3.4 months – significantly shorter than the 6.2 months reported for the wider region.

Cairns’ businesses have seen an estimated 3.6% loss in annual revenue, compared to 4.1% for the broader Cairns SA4 region.