The reliability of the Toowoomba area water supply has been improved with completion of major upgrade works at the Mt Kynoch water treatment plant, which were officially opened today (Monday, July 15, 2024). Toowoomba Region Mayor Cr Geoff McDonald said Toowoomba Regional Council had invested $40 million in the Stage 4 upgrade to implement modern water treatment processes. “A secure water supply is central to our quality of life and the continued growth of the Region. The water treatment plant enhancements will provide water security until 2031, which will cater for population growth forecasts,” Mayor McDonald said. “The upgrade will enable an additional 16 megalitres per day capacity by 2031 with an ultimate staged conventional treatment capacity of 65 megalitres per day. “Along with conventional filtration methods, Council has added ultraviolet disinfection as an additional treatment barrier. This provides important advancements to the water treatment process and ensures that water quality and community health benefits are realised to their full capacity. “The original plant was built in 1975 and Council recognised the need to upgrade both the capacity and the treatment methods used to meet the needs of our growing Region.” TRC Deputy Mayor and Strategic Water Planning and Capital Delivery portfolio spokesperson Cr Rebecca Vonhoff said the enhancements also included improved chemical management and new chemical dosing systems. “The project also included a new duplicate 240-metre section of raw water main in Shuttlewood Court, a new valve house and delivery main, and replacement of mechanical and electrical equipment,” Cr Vonhoff said. “Completion of the latest enhancements follows a multi-year, multi-stage program to increase capacity and improve water treatment methods. “The enhancements will keep us in good stead for many years to come and are recognition that a secure and reliable water supply will always be the highest priority for Council.” Upgrade works at the water treatment plant were carried out by contractor Fulton Hogan Utilities Pty Ltd. Enquiries can be directed to Council on 131 872 or email [email protected]