Strategy to transform Koondrook's economy

Published on 16 July 2024

Koondrook and district residents will play a role in helping to transform the town’s economy by assisting with the development of a new strategy.

Through the State Government’s Community Development Fund, $500,000 has been provided to develop the Koondrook Local Development Strategy, which will support the town’s transition from the dependence on the native forest timber industry and towards new and sustainable industries.

“For many years Koondrook has been renowned for its river red gum timber industry, however environmental management changes across the State mean that towns that have been reliant on native timber harvesting will need to transition to new industries,” Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“Council has led the way in attracting new and sustainable industries to the municipality, such as renewable energy and nature based tourism opportunities, and the development of the Koondrook Local Development Strategy will identify similar opportunities for Koondrook.”

Following a tender process guided via Gannawarra Shire Council’s Procurement policy, Urban Enterprises has been appointed by Council to work with the community up to April 2026 to develop the new strategy and business cases for any major projects identified during the community engagement process to ensure these initiatives will be development ready.

“Urban Enterprises developed a positive relationship with Council and residents when it was tasked to develop the Waterfront Masterplans for Koondrook, Cohuna and the Kerang Lakes during 2018, with their work inspiring transformational projects completed in recent years across the Gannawarra,” Mr Rollinson said.

A local advisory group will assist in considering various project proposals, including a local industrial estate; further infrastructure developments around roads, drainage and footpaths that support housing developments; local streetscape and waterfront infrastructure opportunities; tracks and trails; agricultural projects; and jobs growth aimed at continuing strong population growth in Koondrook and surrounds.

“The Koondrook Local Development Strategy will identify local projects and ensure they are shovel ready to seek government funding and private investment. I’m confident we will see a new wave of development emerging from the work,” Koondrook Development Committee chairperson, Tom Chick said.

Council will work with the advisory group and Urban Enterprises to promote community engagement opportunities and provide updates regarding the development of the Koondrook Local Development Strategy.