The City of Wanneroo has adopted an updated Corporate Business Plan and 2024/25 budget that prioritises essential services and infrastructure projects while keeping rates as low as possible.

Council adopted a 3% rate increase, resulting in an increase of less than $40 for most homeowners compared to last year.

Mayor Linda Aitken said Council and the City had delivered a budget that considered cost of living pressures impacting the community.

“In recognition of the current economic climate, this budget prioritises responsible spending while still investing in the needs of our growing community,” she said.

“It directly addresses the priorities outlined in the City’s Strategic Community Plan, ensuring we deliver the essential services, infrastructure and amenities our residents have told us they want.

“Rates account for 67 per cent of the City’s operating income and we actively partner with other levels of government and stakeholders throughout the year to secure funding for strategic projects, ensuring the responsible collection and use of ratepayer dollars and directing resources where they will have the greatest impact for our residents.”

2024/25 budget highlights

Community recreation and facilities

Over the next 12 months, the City will spend $12.5 million to maintain our sporting facilities, pitches, fields, and grounds, ensuring the City’s local clubs can keep kicking goals.

This includes $5 million to upgrade the netball courts at Kingsway Regional Sporting Complex and complete works on floodlighting and the sports amenities building at Heath Park in Eglinton.  

An $875,000 investment will see Montrose Park tennis courts in Girrawheen receive a much-needed revamp, including court resurfacing and new LED lighting and fencing.

Work will continue on the highly anticipated Alkimos aquatic and recreation centre project, with $4.7 million to fund the detailed design and the start of construction later this year.

BMX enthusiasts will benefit from a $685,000 upgrade to the pump track at McCoy Park in Quinns Rocks.

Parks and conservation areas  

The City will spend a total of $51.5 million to maintain, protect and enhance parks, coastlines, reserves, streetscapes and conservation areas.

Get set for outdoor adventures with the family, with $1.5 million to support upgrades to parks and playgrounds across the City.

This includes the City’s first all-abilities playground at Riverlinks Park in Clarkson, which will provide a new play area with five themed spaces for children of all ages and abilities to enjoy, including mountain, jungle, town and country and desert.

Waste services

We’ve allocated $32 million to continue providing residential waste services and strengthening efforts to reduce household waste and increase material recovery.

The City recently rolled out a new bulk junk and greens collection service and is also exploring improved options for recycling organic waste.

Community safety and emergency management

We’re committing $10.5 million to deliver ranger services, safety patrols and further enhance our CCTV network to ensure our community feels safe. In 2024/25, $150,000 will fund the CCTV Rebate Scheme, providing eligible ratepayers with a rebate of up to $500 for installing or upgrading their home CCTV system.

This investment also supports emergency management and will help us implement a comprehensive bushfire risk management plan and provide continued support to those impacted by the Mariginiup fire.

Community development

We’re investing $9.5 million into developing physically, socially, economically and culturally healthy communities, ensuring everyone who lives in the City can connect, socialise and participate in local events, programs, and activities, regardless of age, background or ability.

The budget will fund youth services and school holiday programs delivered from our youth hubs, and support our youth outreach team in connecting with vulnerable young people.

Libraries, arts and culture

With library services in hot demand, we’ve committed $8 million to maintaining free programs, resources and activities to connect and inspire residents at our Yanchep/ Two Rocks, Clarkson, Wanneroo and Girrawheen libraries.

A $14.9 million investment will progress construction of the Dordaak Kepup Landsdale library and youth innovation hub, with a $6 million boost from the State Government. Expected to open in late 2025, the state-of-the-art facility is set to offer everything from classic library elements, seniors activities and early childhood offerings, to youth innovation elements including STEAM programs and podcasting facilities.

Local roads

We’ll spend $38 million delivering major road upgrades and maintenance to help ease traffic congestion and improve safety across the City.

Roads and streetlighting in Neerabup Industrial Area (NIA) will benefit with $3.8 million set aside for important upgrades and maintenance works.

Set be one of the biggest industrial estates in Perth on completion, generating between 20,000 and 30,000 new jobs, the NIA has the potential to provide a variety of regional economic advantages and a long-term revenue stream for the City.

For more information on the City’s 2024/25 budget and the services it supports, visit

Please note, some figures have been rounded to nearest decimal whole number.

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