Council Meeting wrap - July 2024

Published on 18 July 2024

The endorsement of the draft Gannawarra Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026 for community feedback was the highlight of Gannawarra Shire Council’s July 2024 meeting, held at the Koondrook Senior Citizens Centre on 17 July 2024.

The major item of discussion was the draft Gannawarra Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026, which has been developed in partnership with the Kerang Elders and Leaders Group and supporting agencies.

The draft document signal’s Council’s readiness to develop and strengthen relationships with the municipality’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, engage staff and stakeholders in reconciliation, and pilot innovative strategies to ensure effective outcomes into the future.

For more information, including how to view the draft Gannawarra Reconciliation Action Plan 2024-2026 and to have your say before 5pm Thursday, 15 August, please visit

The July 2024 Council Meeting also saw Council note the results of the 2024 Community Satisfaction Survey, which saw Council’s overall performance rating exceed the Small Rural Council average and match the Statewide average.

The survey, conducted during February and March 2024, also identified that community perceptions of Council’s performance in areas where Council engages with the community had improved compared to 12 months earlier, with Customer Service and Waste Management continuing to be Council’s strongest areas.

Other outcomes of the meeting included:

The adoption of the Gannawarra Shire Onsite Wastewater Management Plan 2024-2029; and The adoption of the latest version of the Audit and Risk Charter.

Questions from the public regarding services to manage future population growth throughout Koondrook, the Koondrook Local Development Strategy and funding for the Koondrook Swimming Pool were addressed.

For more information, including a link to the video from this meeting and minutes, please visit