Community invited to help craft the future of Wodonga
City of Wodonga 18 Jul 2024

Wodonga Council has launched the next stage of its Wodonga 2050 vision project, inviting members of the community to participate in a deliberative panel that seeks to answer the question “How do we make Wodonga an even better place to live for all?”

The council is calling for approximately 40 locals to join the panel, where they will have an opportunity to help shape the future of our community, strengthen its bonds and contribute to a more vibrant, inclusive and resilient society.

Replacing the Wodonga 2033 vision developed in 2008, the process of producing a new document require will the examination of the community’s strengths and challenges, envisioning the Wodonga of the future and setting goals for how we get there.

The panel will develop the community vision document and present it to the council, with the final document informing the development of the Council Plan 2025 – 2028.

Panellists will hear from expert speakers and debate a wide range of information over four days in September.

If you’re interested in learning more about the selection process, remuneration and expectations, click here.  

Register now and leave a legacy for generations to come. Closing midnight, Wednesday, August 7 2024.