Published on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 10…
Town of Bassendean 23 Jul 2024

Published on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 at 10:26:15 AM

On 22 July, the Town of Bassendean issued incorrect email rates notices to a small number of property owners. This arose due to a database glitch, meaning incorrect notices were issued to 29 properties, which represents approximately 2.3 percent of the properties registered for eRates. The Town contacted all the impacted property owners, issued the correct notices, and directed recipients of the inadvertently disclosed information to immediately delete it.

While the Town understands the privacy concerns this issue may raise, an assessment has confirmed that the situation does not meet the criteria of an Eligible Data Breach under the Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) Scheme.

The Town sincerely apologises for the error and is examining its systems and processes to identify ways to prevent similar incidents in future.

If you have been impacted by this issue and have concerns, please contact the Town on 9377 8000 during operating hours.

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