Declaration of a Priority Development Area for the Mt Peter Southern Growth Corridor to support long-term housing supply, establishment of a high-performance sporting facility, expansion of the Smithfield Mountain Bike Park trail network, and funding for the Cairns Community and Multicultural Centre in White Rock are among Council’s top advocacy priorities in the lead up to the State Election.

With bipartisan support for additional State funding for Cairns Water Security Stage 1 (CWSS1) now secured, Council will use the State Election on 26 October to advocate for other important community projects.

Council will also ask the State Government to provide further disaster funding to aid recovery from the December flooding, partner with Council to enhance community sporting facilities, and deliver an entrance statement for Palm Cove.

At today’s meeting, there was unanimous support for the following Council-led advocacy priorities are:

Cairns (White Rock) Community and Multicultural Centre: State to contribute $4 million towards the project’s estimated construction cost (about $8 million) under a joint (50/50) funding arrangement with Council.Major Events Precinct: State to establish a high-performance facility within the Major Events Precinct adjacent to Barlow Park. State to also fund the Major Events Precinct Masterplan.Cairns - Destination Mountain Biking: State to deliver an expanded trail network at the Smithfield Mountain Bike Park, as well as a parking solution for the Wangetti Trail Southern Trailhead.TC Jasper Recovery Funding: State (in conjunction with the Federal Government where appropriate) to fund recovery activities through a range of funding programs for restoration of community assets, flood resiliency and build back better initiatives.Housing: State to declare a Priority Development Area (PDA) over the Mt Peter Southern Growth Corridor and work collaboratively with Council on planning and infrastructure delivery within this PDA to support long-term housing supply.Palm Cove Entrance Statement: State to deliver an entrance statement for Palm Cove/Great Barrier Reef Drive (corner of the Captain Cook Highway and Palm Cove Boulevard).Community Sporting Facilities: State to partner with Council on joint (50/50) funding for a range of community infrastructure projects including: Leisure Precinct Smithfield; Redlynch Community Sports Facility;  and Jeff Pezzutti Park Youth Activity Space.

As well as these Council-led Advocacy Priorities, Council also resolved to continue to work collaboratively with regional stakeholders (including neighbouring councils, Advance Cairns, Cairns Chamber of Commerce, FNQROC, RDA Tropical North and TTNQ) to support other advocacy priorities and initiatives where appropriate.