July 2024 Council Meeting wrap

Last updated on 26 July 2024

The following matters were considered and endorsed at the July 2024 Council Meeting:

Endorsed following community consultation Gisborne Futures Structure Plan

The plan will guide Gisborne’s development until 2050 and will set a protected settlement boundary to protect the surrounding landscape from further outward growth. It was developed following extensive planning and consultation over six years. A total of 129 submissions were received and considered during the most recent consultation period for the revised Plan in late 2023.

Council will now write to the Minister for Planning to request an amendment be prepared for the protected settlement boundary as indicated in the Plan.

Upcoming community consultations endorsed Draft Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2024

Building on Council’s first Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2021-23, a new draft RAP has been developed in consultation with the three Traditional Owner Groups in the Macedon Ranges. It continues the positive work from the previous RAP and provides further actions to help build stronger community connections and a deeper understanding and respect of First Nations People and cultures.

Community input on the draft RAP is invited for a four-week period from 25 July to 22 August 2024.

Draft Lancefield Master Plan 2024

Lancefield Park Recreation Reserve is on Crown Land and managed by a volunteer Committee of Management. It is an important asset within the community and provides Council-supported activities. Council recently assisted the committee to review and update their previous 2012 Master Plan to reflect the current needs of the community and inform future development and upgrades of facilities.

Council is seeking feedback on the draft Master Plan, on behalf of the Committee, for a four-week period from 25 July to 22 August 2024.

Draft Macedon Ranges Community Equestrian Facilities Plan

The Macedon Ranges has one of the highest participation rates in recreational equestrian activities in Victorian LGAs. This Plan will provide clearer direction for the management and development of equestrian facilities across the shire.

Community feedback is invited over a four-week period from 25 July to 22 August 2024 to help inform the final plan.

Council grant programs 2024-25 Community Funding Scheme (CFS) and the Neighbourhood House Funding Program (NHFP) 2024-26 allocations

A total of 29 applications were received for the 2024-25 CFS with officers recommending 20 applicants for funding totalling $159,316. Seven applications were received through the 2024-26 NHFP with all of them recommended for funding and in-kind support totalling $210,000 ($35,000 cash contribution, $178,367 in-kind). Both CFS and NHFP allocations for 2024-25 were within budget.

2024 Events and Festivals Grant Program allocations

Council received 15 applications requesting a total of $94,064 plus in-kind support. With an annual allocation of $75,000, and a portion already committed to multi-year agreements, $50,000 of funding remained for distribution in this year’s round of funding and officers recommended 12 applications to receive this. In-kind support including services and venue hire to the value of just under $16,500 was also recommended.

In addition, a further $14,500 was carried over from the 2020-21, 2021-22 and 2022-23 programs to support triennial events that had been postponed due to the COVID pandemic.

2024-25 Community Climate Action and Environment Group Support Grants Guidelines

Council will continue to provide support and resources to local Landcare groups, environment groups and community climate action groups in the Macedon Ranges following the endorsement of the Guidelines and Terms of Reference for both the Climate Action and Environment Support Group grant streams.

The new Community Climate Action grants will support community groups to develop, implement and evaluate projects that are aligned with the objectives in Council’s Climate Emergency Plan 2023-30. This new grant stream, as well as the Biolink Boost, are co-funded in partnership with Macedon Ranges Community Enterprises and Bendigo Bank.

Other matters Draft Gambling Harm Prevention Policy ─ Council deferred consideration of this Policy to the 28 August 2024 Council Meeting. Council also noted the results of its annual Community Satisfaction Survey, which provides a snapshot of local perceptions on a range of key service areas from a diverse cross-section of 400 Macedon Ranges residents. Council considered a report in response to a petition received from the community calling for the acquisition of land at 18 Kilmore Road in Gisborne and resolved not to acquire the land, as the purchase would not align with Council’s existing strategies and plans regarding conservation, biodiversity, or public open space.

Video recordings of past Council meetings are generally available within two business days of a meeting.