After a chilly Winter in Wollondilly, we will all be looking forward to the warmer weather this year. The good news is that Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s time for our local green thumbs to sign up for the 2024 Wollondilly Spring Garden Competition.

The annual Spring Garden Competition brings together like-minded community members with a passion for gardening.

The 2024 competition includes a new category, Best Lawn, which joins some of the favourites including Best School Garden and Best Rural Garden. The competition will culminate in a presentation and celebration at Wollondilly’s annual garden and plant fair, BLOOM, later in the year.

Mayor Matt Gould said, “Wollondilly’s Spring Garden Competition which was first established in 1990, making it one of the longest-running Council sponsored community garden events in the region.”

“The Spring Garden Competition is a great way for our talented local gardeners to showcase their beautiful gardens, inspiring all of us to take pride in our fantastic natural surroundings.”

Entries opened on Monday 22 July and will close on Friday 27 September. The entry form is available on Council’s website

This year’s Grand Champion will walk away with a $1,000 prize. The first-place winner in each category will receive $200; second place in each category will win $100; and five judges’ encouragement awards sharing $300.

The award categories are:

Best Environmentally Sustainable Garden / Edible Garden Best Seniors Garden Best Small Residential Garden / Courtyard Garden Best Large Residential Garden Best Rural Garden Best Community Garden Best Flower Garden Best Native Garden Best Business/Commercial Garden Best Verge Garden Best Lawn Category Best School Garden

Judging will take place from 7 October until 11 October 2024.

An announcement of the winners and a presentation of prizes will take place at BLOOM: Wollondilly Garden Expo and Plant Fair 2024 on Sunday 3 November.