This Week at Council - 29 July
Yass Valley Council 29 Jul 2024
This Week at Council - 29 July

Published on 29 July 2024

  Community Announcements/Latest News  

Cemetery Masterplans

The cemeteries of Yass Valley Council are required by the NSW Government to have appropriate licencing and Management Plans in Plans. To cater to this, Council is currently undertaking a review of management procedures.

The master plans will help Council deliver cemeteries that best meet the needs of the community.

A survey is available for the community to provide their feedback.

For more information about this process, or to submit a survey, please visit:

Bango Windfarm Community Grants Now Open

Applications are now open for the Bango Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund.

The fund was created following State Government approval of the Bango Wind Farm project to offset any potential residual amenity impacts associated with the project and is administered by Yass Valley Council.

Individuals, businesses and not for profit organisations within the Yass Valley local government area may apply for grants up to $10,000 per year. Priority will be given to residents/groups within a 20km inclusion zone.

Applications for funding close 5 August 2024.

For more information, or to apply, please visit:

What’s On at the Library

Storytime - 10.30am Monday, 29 July. Wriggle and Rhyme – 10am Wednesday, 31 July. Lego Club – 4pm Thursday, 1 August. Friday Flicks – 10.30am Friday, 5 August. Playing a screening of ‘Origin’.


Works Update:

Murrumbateman Recreation Ground Amenities Building Contractor has completed the building works. Ancillary infrastructure works due for completion in August/September 2024. Wee Jasper Carpark Contractor has commenced onsite with works due for completion July 2024 (weather permitting). Victoria Park Lighting Upgrade Contractor has completed the lighting installation. Ancillary works to be completed July 2024. Murrumbateman Recreation Ground: Public Toilet Block Replacement Project documentation being developed with RFQ due for release August 2024. Murrumbateman Recreation Ground: Ring Road Reseal Project documentation being developed with tender due for release October 2024.


Road Maintenance Updates:

Back Creek Road Bridge – All done! Back Creek Road Sealing - Stage 2 - The team from Lentro Earthworks are progressing well, with the majority of the road now stabilised, a milestone for the project! Weather dependent all works are expected to be completed Spring 2024. Greenwood Road Bridge Replacements - The tender for the bridge over Yass River has now been accepted, Murray Constructions were the successful tenderer. Once determined Council will advise a start date, with works are still set to be completed by mid-2025. The bridge over Murrumbateman Creek is currently planned to commence mid-2025 and be completed end of 2025. Storm Damage Repair - Council are currently preparing detailed designs for numerous storm damaged sites, the next on the repair program will be some minor landslips and erosion works on Wee Jasper Road to be undertaken next month. Get Active NSW – Yass Rail Trail & Bowning Active Circuit – Council is pleased to announce they have been successful in receiving funding for the detailed design of the Yass Rail Trail and the construction of the Bowning Village Active Circuit. The Rail Trail project will include a detailed design completed for the 4.7km corridor, the next exciting step in the process to see this project brought to fruition.   The Bowning Village Active Circuit will include the construction of approximately 3km of pathway and a pedestrian foot bridge, connecting the recreation oval, school and CBD. Yass and Bookham Main Street Masterplan – Council have commenced some design work as per the adopted masterplans, this should be completed by mid-2024.

More information about road maintenance and repairs can be found at:

Development Applications:

DA230275B – 10 Lomandra Street Closing Date: 5.00pm Tuesday, 30 July Modify the development to change the purpose of the shed by altering the internal layout to be part storage and part secondary dwelling as well as the construction of a pergola.

DA240169 – 12 Prosecco Place, Murrumbateman Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday, 2 August Main dwelling house with garage and separate guest house.

DA240 198 – 360 Two Sticks Road, Uriarra Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday, 2 August Dwelling house.  

DA240140 – 24 Malbec Drive, Murrumbateman Closing Date: 5.00pm Tuesday, 6 August Construction of shed, concrete pad and internal driveway.

DA240200 – 9 Blakelys Close, Sutton Closing Date: 5.00pm Tuesday, 6 August Construction of dwelling and ancillary shed.

DA240181 – 1331 Marked Tree Road, Gundaroo Closing Date: 5.00pm Wednesday, 7 August Rural workers dwelling.

DA240178 – 14 Euralie Road, Good Hope Closing Date: 5.00pm Wednesday, 7 August Subdivision creating nine torrens title rural residential lots including new road.

DA240182 - 7 Gorrell Place, Yass Closing Date:  5.00pm Thursday, 8 August Dual occupancy.

DA240205 – Comur Street, Yass Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday, 9 August Upgrade works to replace existing fuel tanks and associated refuelling.

DA210262B – 209 Comur Street, Yass Closing Date: 5.00pm Wednesday, 21 August Construction of a Public Administration Building. Internal modifications proposed to Levels 1 and 3 of the Commercial Building and Library as well as modifications to the roof and landscape design.

For more information on DA’s currently on exhibition, please visit:

Public Consultation

34 Isabel Drive, Murrumbateman Proposal Closing Date: 5.00pm Friday, 16 August