Town of Cambridge Wins 2024 Stormwater WA Awards for Excellence
Town of Cambridge 29 Jul 2024
Town of Cambridge Wins 2024 Stormwater WA Awards for Excellence

Published on 29 July 2024

The Town of Cambridge has won the 2024 Stormwater WA Award for Excellence in Integrated Stormwater Design for its Lake Monger (Galup) Swale Refurbishment project. This award recognises the Town's efforts in stormwater management and environmental care.

Lake Monger (Galup) Reserve is a key wildlife habitat and drought refuge on the Swan Coastal Plain. The swale helps maintain water quality through natural filtration measures. The project aimed to improve stormwater quality by refurbishing nutrient-stripping vegetation and sedimentation basins, with landscape architecture services provided by Josh Byrne & Associates.

“This award reflects our commitment to sustainable practices,” Mayor Gary Mack expressed.

“The Lake Monger (Galup) Swale Refurbishment demonstrates our focus on enhancing water quality and supporting local wildlife.”

The project involved removing 500 invasive trees, clearing over one hectare of weeds, planting more than 30,000 new plants, and removing over 1,000 tonnes of debris. New conservation fencing was installed, and fauna management included relocating 40 turtles and installing features to enhance aquatic habitats.

“We are grateful for the support of our community and the WA Government’s 'Greening Our Communities' small grant programme. It’s an honour to have our work recognised,” Mayor Mack added.

The project was celebrated at Hydropolis 2024 on 22 May 2024. The Awards for Excellence highlight outstanding contributions to stormwater management in WA.

Click here to view the project video.

For more information on the Town’s environmental initiatives, visit our website or contact us directly.