Have your say on a new neighbourhood house service for Emerald

The communities of Emerald and surrounding areas are invited to have their say on what services and programs they would like their new neighbourhood house to provide.

Cardinia Shire Council is continuing to work with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) to transition to a new neighbourhood house service in Emerald in 2025.

Council has received funding from DFFH to undertake community consultation to gain a greater understanding of what the Emerald community would like to see from a new neighbourhood house.

To support the consultation process, Council’s Community Development Facilitator will be available at the Hills Hub at Emerald at different times throughout this period to chat to community members and gather feedback. There is also an online survey on Council’s Creating Cardinia engagement website where community members can share their thoughts and ideas on potential programs and activities.

Cardinia Shire Council's Acting General Manager Liveable Communities, Michael Casey, encouraged community members to share their feedback and ideas. 

“Your input is valuable and will help us develop a program that aligns with the community’s wants and expectations,” Mr Casey said.

“We encourage you to share your thoughts on the types of programs and activities you’d like to see delivered, and to help shape what your new service will look like.”

Mr Casey said Cardina Shire has 7 other neighbourhood houses located across the shire that are funded under the State Government’s Neighbourhood House Coordination Program (NHCP).  These services are managed by service providers or volunteer committees.

“Neighbourhood houses and community centres are wonderful community assets that bring people together and strengthen community connections.

“They provide a range of services, information, and resources for their local communities, including everything from cultural, social, health and wellbeing activities, to training and public internet access.”

Following the community consultation period, DFFH will later this year call for funding submissions from organisations to apply to be a part of the State Government’s NHCP to serve the Emerald community and surrounding areas.

Community consultation on program ideas for 2025 and beyond is now open and will close on Friday 30 August. To have your say, or for more information, visit Creating Cardinia

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