Wollondilly residents can now walk or cycle between the towns of Picton and Tahmoor, with the completion of the new Picton to Tahmoor shareway. 

The shareway was officially opened on 1 August by Mayor Matt Gould, Judy Hannan MP, Deputy Mayor Matthew Deeth, Cr Michael Banasik, Cr Beverley Spearpoint, Cr Paul Rogers, Cr Suzy Brandstater and Cr Blair Briggs. CEO Ben Taylor and Council staff were also in attendance.

The new shareway will deliver the 2.4km missing pedestrian link between the two town centres and drastically increase pedestrian safety by providing a safe path, offset from the road’s edge.

Mayor Matt Gould said, “The shareway not only provides a safer route for young people walking to and from school, it also encourages a healthier lifestyle option for those wanting to cycle or walk for exercise.”

“The completed stages of the shareway are already being used regularly which is great to see. I’m pleased that we can finally deliver the finished shareway to the community,” he said.

Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said the project will boost local well-being.

“Having a safe accessible shareway will provide more opportunity for locals to get out and enjoy some exercise while taking in the local area, “Minister Moriarty said.

“We all know exercise is good for physical health, but it’s great for mental health and walking with friends and family helps communities to connect.” 

The works include the construction of infrastructure including the shareway construction, retaining walls, roadworks, driveway repairs, refuge islands and drainage work.

This project has been funded by Wollondilly Shire Council development contributions and received $2,163,723 from the NSW Government.