Details Last Updated: Monday, 05 August 2024 14:20 Published: Monday, 05 August 2024 14:20

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) is inviting the community to provide feedback on the draft Toowoomba Region Road Safety Strategy 2024-2028.

The 2024-2028 draft strategy aligns with the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 and the Queensland Road Safety Action Plan 2020-2025. It is underpinned by the ‘Safe System’ approach to road safety, which is framed by the guiding vision that ‘no person should be killed or seriously injured on Australia's roads’.

TRC Transport and Drainage Planning portfolio spokesperson, Cr Trevor Manteufel, said the 2024-2028 draft strategy underlines Council’s commitment to significantly reducing road trauma across the Region by 2028.

“Council is working towards a vision of zero road deaths and serious injuries in our Region,” Cr Manteufel said.

“The 2024-2028 draft strategy proposes a framework for Council, its key road safety stakeholders and the broader community to work on this vision together.

“Loss of life and serious injuries from road crashes have a devastating impact on our community.

“With a network of nearly 6,700 kilometres of sealed and unsealed roads, the safety and wellbeing of all road users, including pedestrians, cyclists and motorists, is a high priority for Council.”

Cr Manteufel said the 2024-2028 draft strategy builds on the work of the 2019-2023 Road Safety Strategy.

“The 2024-2028 draft strategy continues to support Council’s commitment towards providing a road network increasingly free of fatal and serious crashes but proposes a smaller number of core actions which are achievable by 2028,” Cr Manteufel said.

“The 2019-2023 strategy was ambitious, with many actions outside Council’s control and difficult to achieve during the life of the strategy.

“The 2024-2028 draft strategy actions focus on engineering treatments, crash investigation and prevention, speed management, vulnerable road users and advocacy and support.”

Cr Manteufel said Council is now inviting community feedback on the 2024-2028 draft strategy.

“Providing safe roads and paths in our Region is vital and in everyone’s interest. We welcome feedback from the whole community,” Cr Manteufel said.

“The 2024-2028 draft strategy can be viewed on Council’s website and at Customer Service Centres.

“To have your say, please visit Council’s website or phone 131 872 by 5pm on Monday, 19 August 2024.”

Community feedback will be used to finalise the development of the Toowoomba Region Road Safety Strategy 2024-2028 for presentation to Council for endorsement in late 2024.

For further information on the Toowoomba Region Road Safety Strategy 2024-2028, please visit call Council on 131 872 or email [email protected]

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