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Medical transport education sessions

Last updated on 06 August 2024

Macedon Ranges Shire Council - in partnership with Lily Walden of local business ‘Lily’s Travels’ - is facilitating information sessions to support older people in confidently navigating transport to medical appointments, using public transport.

Each session will include a presentation, opportunities for questions and answers, and take-home information kits including timetables/itineraries. Details of each session can be found below.

Council’s Director Community, Maria Weiss, said the initiative supported key findings highlighted in Council's PARTICIPATE Positive Ageing Plan 2020-2025, which identified that inadequate access to transport was the biggest challenge faced by older people.

“Initiatives like this are important for Council to support, and inform older people in our community on available options and empower them to maintain their independence through public transport,” she said.

“I encourage anyone who might regularly need to travel to attend medical appointments, or need to regularly travel more broadly, to register and attend these valuable sessions.”