Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 7 August 2024

Published on 07 August 2024

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 7 August Council Meeting.           

Planning and Development Local Law Review

Council adopted the draft Community Local Law 2024 to replace the Community Local Law 2016.

Council noted that the Community Local Law 2024 commences operation on 1 December 2024.

Council authorised the CEO to publish the required statutory notices under the Local Government Act 2020 including the Government Gazette, a local newspaper and on the Baw Baw Shire Council's website. 

Council noted the legal certification for the draft Community Local Law 2024 (in attachment 1) and the Community Engagement Summary for the draft Community Local Law 2024 (in attachment 2).

Development Contributions Plan (DCP) 01 Review

Council received and noted the current status of Baw Baw Shire DCP01.

Council approved and endorsed the preparation of works to commence a Planning Scheme Amendment consistent with Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 for the review of the Baw Baw Shire DCP01 Development Contribution Scheme.

Council requested a further report be presented to Council no later than July 2025 containing options for the reallocation of projects in accordance with Baw Baw Community infrastructure requirements and State Government policy prior to the submission of the Planning Scheme Amendment to the Minister consistent with Section 20(4) of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) and Developer Contributions Plan (DCP) Review - Warragul and Drouin

Council moved to endorse:

The 2024/25 budget commitment of $500k to support the commencement of key strategic work for the PSP and DCP Review and approve $700k to the 2025/26 budget to complete the PSP and DCP Review; The work undertaken to date and endorse and approve the activities outlined in this report to complete the PSP and DCP Review; Development a framework for Council endorsement no later than August 2025 for catalyst projects to be pursued through appropriate design works, funding opportunities, and partnerships to ensure safe, accessible, and well-built communities for the future; To enter into appropriate agreements, Developer partnerships and seek external funding through appropriate funding streams, and if successful, deliver Weebar Road Roundabout, Drouin; The permit conditions for permit number PLA0323/16 which defines the Developer as being responsible for the delivery of the Weebar Road, Drouin roundabout. Council officers are authorised to seek grant funding to the amount of up to $6.0M for Council to deliver the Weebar Road roundabout in a more immediate timeframe. The conditions of this approval are as follows:

a. Council recognises the Community benefit and feedback in relation to the need for this infrastructure to be provided as soon as possible.

b. Total Council cost of implementation is to be borne by External Grants and DCP contributions.

c. All project funding to be in place prior to tendering of works. Partial grant funding is not approved to tender works unless resolved by Council.

d. Notes this authorisation is for the Weebar Road roundabout project only and does not constitute a policy position of Council.

e. Notes that in the event Council does not successfully receive external funding the conditions of permit PLA0323/16 for the delivery of the Weebar Road roundabout remain with the developer.

f. The authorisation for grant funding applications for the delivery of the Weebar Road roundabout expires on 7 August 2025 unless extended by Council resolution on or prior to that date.

g. Notes the developer may still undertake building and works in accordance with Permit Number PLA0323/16 and their continued obligations under the conditions of the associated permit; and,

Receive quarterly updates on the progress of the PSP and DCP Delivery and Review and associated advocacy activities. 
Community Infrastructure

CON2019060 - Routine Road Maintenance Contract Update

Council noted the details of the report and the performance of the Routine Road Maintenance Contract - CON2019060.

Council will notify Downer EDI Works Pty Ltd (DM Roads) of the intention to extend Contract CON2019060 for a second term of three year 1 July 2025 - 30 June 2028 as per the Contract conditions.

Council delegated authority to the CEO to execute the Contract extension for CON2019060 in accordance with the contract.

West Gippsland Field Archers - Long Term Location Options

Council moved to:

Commence site suitability investigations and appropriate consultation to determine the suitability of Ripplebrook Recreation Reserve and sections of the Ripplebrook Cemetery Reserve as a long term location for the West Gippsland Field Archers; Subject to the Ripplebrook site/s being deemed suitable, agree to be appointed as the committee of management/land manager under the Crown Land(Reserves) Act 1978 for the Ripplebrook Recreation Reserve from 08 February 2025; Enter into a formal tenancy agreement with the West Gippsland Field Archers for the use of the Ripplebrook Recreation Reserve and sections of the Ripplebrook Cemetery Reserve (excluding areas of interments and for events only); Allocate up to $15,000 in the infrastructure maintenance 2025/2026 financial year operating budget to cover weed management of the new site; and, Extend the interim arrangements for the West Gippsland Field Archers in Warragul until such a time as they can undertake all their activities at the new site. Award of Contract CON-2024002 Copelands Road, Warragul - Upgrade

Council moved to award CON-2024002 - Upgrade of Copelands Road, Warragul to Ace Earthmoving (Victoria) Pty Ltd, for the total lump sum of $4,074.439.00 excl GST, plus contingency amounts as specified.

Council noted the budget shortfall to deliver the full scope and endorse an additional $501,317 to the project budget to be reallocated from the 2025/26 Financial Years Sealing Gravel Roads Program.

Council authorised the Chief Executive Officer to sign the contract and delegated approval of contract variations to the Chief Executive Officer.

Award of Contract CON-2024006 Reconstruction of the Drouin Recreation Reserve Oval

Council moved an alternate recommendation to award CON-2024006 Reconstruction of the Drouin Recreation Reserve Oval to Evergreen Turf Group (Vic) Pty Ltd, for the total lump sum of $2,513,726 excl GST, plus contingency amounts as specified.

Council did not endorse the purchase of additional plant equipment.

Council noted the revised total project budget amount of $3,320,207 exc. GST and returns the forecasted savings of $870,443 exc. GST back to the Capital Works program for the Drouin Streetscape Program, plus any other savings from the total project budget.

Council authorised the Chief Executive Officer to sign the contract and delegated approval of contract variations to the Chief Executive Officer.

Strategy and Organisational Performance Response to Notice of Motion - Options for Baby Change Facilities

Council noted the response to the Notice of Motion for Baby Change Facilities from the 6 March 2024 meeting and noted that supports for parents in Baw Baw Shire are provided through both the Family Friendly Baw Baw Program and the provision of a mobile baby feed and change facility at events.

Council noted that the provision of dedicated Baby Feed and Change Facilities will not be implemented by Council for the reasons outlined in the Officer report.

Governance and Information Services Audit and Risk Committee Chair Report

Council noted the biannual Audit and Risk Committee Chair Report.

Response to Notice of Motion - Advisory Committees

Council noted the report outlining the feasibility of establishing two new Council Advisory Committees in response to the Notice of Motion at the 5 June 2024 Council Meeting.

Council requested that this report be included in the 2025 review of all Advisory Committees.

Council noted that the Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee will be included in the 2025 Advisory Committee Review as an existing Advisory Committee, and requested that an updated Access and Inclusion Advisory Terms of Reference be included in the 2025 Advisory Committee Review for Council’s consideration.

Council requested that the Draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Gender Equity Advisory Committee and Roads, Footpaths, and Drainage Advisory Committee be presented to Council for consideration as part of the 2025 Advisory Committee review.

General Business CEO General Business Motion

Mark Dupe raised a CEO General Business Motion seeking Council's endorsement for the continuation of the Baw Baw Shire Council Early Bird Payment Incentive for the 2024/25 financial year rating period, in accordance with a number of terms and conditions.

General Business Motion

Cr Goss raised a General Business Motion requesting that Council receives a report no later than 4 December 2024 on options and costs to provide a footpath on the east side of Bowen Street Warragul, from the corner of Sutton Street to meet with the current Brooker Park Trail entrance on Bowen Street.

Baw Baw Shire Council Council Meetings are open to the public and are held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre.

Council Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month and commence at 1.00pm. 

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.