Town of Cambridge Adopts 2024/25 Annual Budget
Town of Cambridge 7 Aug 2024
Town of Cambridge Adopts 2024/25 Annual Budget

Published on 07 August 2024

The Town of Cambridge Council adopted the 2024/25 Annual Budget on 6 August 2024, incorporating a 3.5 per cent increase in the rate in the dollar.

This adopted budget ensures the Town remains one of the lowest rate areas in the Perth metropolitan region despite rate adjustments.

The budget includes services, capital works, and projects for the financial year. Total operating revenue is $60.3 million, with $28.1 million from rate revenue, $27.5 million from fees and charges, and $3.8 million in capital grants. Operating expenditure is $64.4 million, with an increase in reserves by $3.9 million.

A substantial capital works program of $16.2 million was endorsed as part of the budget, with 15 key capital works projects including the upgrade of the Floreat Surf Life Saving Club planned to be delivered in the 2024/25 financial year.

Comments attributed to Mayor Gary Mack:

“I am pleased we have managed to keep the Town’s 24/25 budget rate rise of 3.5 per cent below the current inflation rate of 3.8 per cent. We have listened to our ratepayers, who expect high service levels and well-maintained facilities.

“Rates revenue accounts for less than half of our total income. Our community benefits from profits generated by Wembley Golf Course and our commercial property portfolio.

“Moving forward, the Town of Cambridge remains cost-focused and will invest where appropriate.”