Honouring a Dedicated Councillor: 33 Years of Service to the Moree Plains Shire

At the last Ordinary Council Meeting, 14 August 2024 for our current Councillors, Mayor Mark Johnson in a Mayoral Minute formally recognised and officially thanked the significant lengthy 33 year Local Government career and community contribution of Councillor Mike Montgomery AM.

Mayor Johnson reflected on Cr Mongomery’s time with Moree Plains Shire Council.

“As this Council term draws to a close, I wanted to formally recognise the immense contribution to our community made by Councillor Mike Montgomery, who has announced he will not be contesting the next Council election.

Mike Montgomery has served as a Councillor twice, firstly from 1987 through to 2012, with a commencement as a Councillor 2016 to 2024, for a total of thirty-three years. His long and dedicated service is a testament to his commitment to our community.

Cr Montgomery has also served as President of the Shires Association and the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA). As President of ALGA, Mike attended the meetings of the Council of Australian Governments (COAG).

Mike was awarded the Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2005 for his services to regional NSW and for regional development and road funding.

Councillor Montgomery's knowledge and experience of Local Government have been of significant importance and value to our current Council. As Mayor, I have appreciated his support and wise counsel.

Councillor Mike Montgomery has been a loyal servant to our Shire and to Local Government generally. We are deeply grateful for his service, and we applaud, acknowledge and admire his contribution”, expressed Mayor Johnson.

We would like to thank our Councillors Mayor, Cr Mark Johnson, Deputy Mayor, Cr Susannah Pearse, Cr Mekayla Cochrane, Cr Murray Hartin, Cr Kelly James, Cr Michael Montgomery AM, Cr Lisa Orchin, Cr Brooke Sauer, Cr Greg Smith for their service from December 2021 to September 2024.