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Wyndham City 26 Aug 2024

Wyndham City has launched a new city-wide campaign, ‘Love Your Local’ encouraging residents and businesses to buy local.

Wyndham City Mayor Cr Jennie Barrera said that the new campaign would build top of mind awareness and support for local Wyndham businesses.

“During the pandemic, we saw our community rally behind our local businesses and the Love Your Local campaign provides an opportunity to build on that support – because we know that when we buy local, we invest in our community.”

“Whether you’re purchasing a gift, dining out with your family or sourcing a local supplier for your business – that money stays local, circulating within the community, supporting local jobs and boosting our economy.”

“For every $100 spent at a local business, $67 stays in Wyndham, compared with just $4 if you shop online with a non-Wyndham business. That makes a huge difference for our local businesses who are often residents themselves and also support our local sports clubs, charities and community groups.”

“As well as buying local when we can, the campaign includes tips on other ways to support local businesses, recognising that in these tough economic conditions there are a range of ways we can contribute – whether that’s posting a review or spreading the word on social media.” Cr Barrera said.

Wyndham City Councillor, Mia Shaw said that the Love Your Local campaign would help shine a spotlight on local businesses.

“Love Your Local is all about the faces and the people behind our local businesses – celebrating what makes our city special and encouraging people to make new discoveries.” Cr Shaw said.

The Love Your Local campaign will also include opportunities for local businesses to get involved, with events, marketing assets and opportunities to connect with other local suppliers.

“Keep an eye out for the Love Your Local campaign online and in your favourite shopping precincts and, if you’ve got a favourite business, help spread the word on social media using #LoveLocalWyndham”, Cr Shaw said.

Join the campaign and find out more at www.wyndham.vic.gov.au/lovelocal