August 2024 Council Meeting wrap

Last updated on 30 August 2024

The following matters were considered and resolved at the August 2024 Council Meeting, held on 28 August 2024:

Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy ─ This item was considered and an alternate motion passed at the meeting, however a Notice of Rescission motion has since been lodged – see separate media statement, also issued on 30 August 2024.


Adopted following community consultation:

Macedon Ranges Heritage Strategy 2024-2034 ─ The strategy was adopted following earlier community and stakeholder engagement, including a four-week public consultation in June 2024. It outlines how Council will manage, protect, and celebrate the unique heritage of the region.

In the most recent public consultation period, 11 submissions were made by the community and key stakeholders including The National Trust, member groups of the Macedon Ranges Heritage Council, Registered Aboriginal Parties, and the Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Bid team. Minor updates to the strategy were made as a result.

Barkly Square Multipurpose Facility Location ─ Council endorsed a preferred western option for a new multipurpose facility at Kyneton’s Barkly Square, following earlier community consultation.

A total of 71 online submissions were received, with overwhelming support for the western option location. Council will now progress with the design of the future facility, with construction subject to future budget funding.

Other matters:

Plan for Victoria submission ─ Council endorsed a submission to the Victorian Government’s Plan for Victoria proposal, relating to a new land use strategy that will guide how Victoria grows and develops in the period to 2050.

Council’s submission outlines how the Plan should support the Macedon Ranges community, economy, environment and landscape.

Council reinforces that Plan for Victoria must have regard for the Macedon Ranges’ status as a declared distinctive area and landscape and ensure the continued implementation of the Macedon Ranges Statement of Planning Policy. Council’s submission also references the importance of Council’s priority projects, Climate Emergency Plan (2023-2030) and other recently endorsed key township plans, including the Riddells Creek Movement Network Plan (2024-2033), Kyneton Movement Network Plan (2024-2033), Gisborne Futures Structure Plan (July 2024) and Romsey Structure Plan (May 2024).

Community Awards Review ─ Council endorsed a change to the timing and format of the annual Community Awards, to better align and streamline the process alongside other relevant annual awards.

Under the changes, from 2025 onwards, the Community Awards – and others such as the annual Youth Awards – will be held together in May to coincide with National Volunteer Week. Categories will be refined to allow for a broader range of activities and age groups in the community to be recognised.

Management of unsealed roads within township boundaries – Council endorsed a report containing recommendations for the future management of unsealed roads within township boundaries.

Council manages about 860 kilometres of unsealed roads, with about 76 kilometres of those within township boundaries. Over the past five years, factors such as floods, storms and increased traffic have caused a significant rise in the number of requests for maintenance to unsealed roads.

Recommendations included undertaking an unsealed road network condition audit to inform the future management of Council's unsealed road network; trialling a ‘Light Pavement and Spray Seal’ solution for suitable unsealed roads within township boundaries; and proceeding with a Special Charge Scheme process for Noonan Grove in Woodend under the previous policy.

Video recordings of past Council meetings are available on Council's website (generally available within two business days of a meeting).