Kerang CBD's transformation complete

Published on 02 September 2024

More than 15 months of work to transform Kerang’s central business district is now complete.

The final touches occurred last week on Stages 3 and 4 of the Kerang CBD Redevelopment, fully funded by the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

“It is exciting to see Kerang’s central business district transformed, with this project already increasing foot traffic along Fitzroy, Wellington and Victoria streets,” Gannawarra Shire Council Chief Executive Officer, Geoff Rollinson said.

“These improvements would not have been possible without the support of the Federal Government and our residents, whose input influenced the redevelopment’s final design.”

ABOVE: As part of the Kerang CBD Redevelopment, kerbing along the eastern section of Victoria Street between Scoresby Street and Victoria Square was remodeled.

Work on Stage 3 of the redevelopment began in May 2023, starting with the remodelling of kerbing along the eastern section of Victoria Street between Scoresby Street and Victoria Square. These works, which reduced the footpath’s steep variant, has provided easier access for shoppers accessing businesses along this section of road.

Improvements continued along the CBD section of Victoria Street during 2023 and 2024, resulting in the replacement of paved surfaces with materials that tie in with improvements completed along Scoresby Street, the installation of new street furniture and trees, and the creation of new outdoor dining areas for hospitality businesses.

Similar improvements occurred along Wellington Street between Nolan and Albert streets during 2024 as part of Stage 4 of the redevelopment, which also focused on Fitzroy Street between Scoresby and Wellington streets, as well as along Victoria Street outside Walkers IGA.

“We are really impressed with the improvements out the front of Walkers IGA, which were completed with little disruption to our customers,” Walkers IGA’s Simon Walker said.

ABOVE: The Kerang CBD Redevelopment involved the beautification of the Karlie McDonald Memorial Clock.

The redevelopment also involved beautification of the Karlie McDonald Memorial Clock at the intersection of Wellington and Victoria streets, with improved lighting installed to enhance this iconic memorial.

“Congratulations to Gannawarra Shire Council for revitalising the Kerang CBD,” The Fiit Space Kerang owner, Belinda Batchelor said.

“Victoria Street and thoroughfares through our town were tired, outdated and quite unsafe for our elderly and those with mobility aids.

“I love the simple, sleek future-proofed look of the concrete pathways, the garden beds and their plantings. This has certainly opened up the outlook for my business façade.

“Now that the hard work through the refurbishment is complete, business owners, traders and patrons can look forward to ensuring our community thrives.”

ABOVE: The Kerang CBD Redevelopment has created an inviting and engaging environment for shoppers.

The redevelopment is the culmination of seven years of work to transform the Kerang CBD, which included the revitalisation of Victoria Square and improvements made along Scoresby Street between Boundary and Fitzroy streets.

“Council looks forward to seeing current and future retailers benefit from these improvements, as it has created an inviting and engaging environment for customers,” Mr Rollinson said.

“With hundreds of local jobs on the horizon and a growing population, we need to be developing our towns for the future.”

TOP: New garden beds have been created at the corner of Fitzroy and Wellington streets, Kerang.