Step up Hobart: Join Walk to Work Day this Friday
Hobart City Council 5 Sep 2024
Step up Hobart: Join Walk to Work Day this Friday

Published on 05 September 2024

The City of Hobart has teamed up with the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in urging residents to lace up their walking shoes and participate in Walk to Work Day this Friday, 6 September.

Walking is a vital part of the recently endorsed Transport Strategy, and part of our ongoing commitment to fostering a healthier and more sustainable city.

Research by the Menzies Institute for Medical Research Associate Professor Verity Cleland PhD (pictured) has found that active commuters in Tasmania have better self-rated health and lower body mass index values than those who do not actively commute.

In Hobart, 31% of commuters walk to work already – the highest percentage of any Australian capital city – but we want to see this grow even higher.

The City of Hobart encourages all residents to take part in Walk to Work Day and experience firsthand the benefits of active commuting.

Quotes to be attributed to Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds:

“Walking is not only a healthy and low-cost way to get around; it also offers huge benefits for our city.

“Everyone who makes a journey on foot is reducing pollution and congestion on our roads.

“Walking is a superpower for our health.

“It improves heart health, reduces anxiety, strengthens muscles, burns fat, improves blood pressure, reduces risk of diabetes and improves memory.

“Walk to Work Day is a great opportunity to try out a new way to get to work or add a walk to part of your journey.

“I’d love to see Hobart continue to lead the nation as one of the most walkable cities in Australia.”

Quotes to be attributed to Menzies Institute for Medical Research Associate Professor Verity Cleland PhD:

“I’m passionate about the health benefits of walking and other forms of active transport.

“Research shows that being active helps to prevent heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

“Working with all levels of government and the community I believe we can make Tasmania a wonderful and safe place for people to get out and about on foot, with improved footpaths, connectivity, and infrastructure.

“Walking to work – or even part of the way – is a great way to build more activity into your day. It all adds up for health benefits.

“Imagine a Hobart where everybody who wanted to can walk safely to and from work.”

Quotes to be attributed to City Mobility Portfolio Chair Cr Ryan Posselt:

"Walking is a key part of our Transport Strategy to create a more accessible and liveable Hobart.

"By improving our walking networks and encouraging public transport use, we can help people get more active, reduce congestion, and support local businesses.

"To make walking more appealing, we need to improve the overall experience.

"This includes ensuring safer, more connected walking routes and enhancing public transport services.”