Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 4 September 2024

Published on 04 September 2024

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 4 September Council Meeting.           

Planning and Development Trafalgar Structure Plan

Council noted the draft Trafalgar Structure Plan and authorised officers to release the draft Trafalgar Structure Plan for community consultation for a period of six weeks from 28 October 2024 to 8 December 2024.

Strategic Projects: Future Greenfields Development

Council moved to;

Allocate $100,000 for the investigation of a regionally significant sport and recreation precinct and the future of Council operations; Deliver the project over two phases prioritising Phase One: Sport and Recreation; and, Receive a future report no later than August 2025 on site options, feasibility and detailed business case, concept designs and longer term, strategic delivery timeframes on preferred options. Community Infrastructure

Tender Recommendation Report - Resealing of Municipal Roads

Council awarded CON-2024011 - Resealing of Municipal Roads to Fulton Hogan Industries Pty Ltd under a schedule of rates contract for an estimated amount of $1.2million in 2024/25.

Council delegated authority to the CEO to execute the contraction and to exercise the contract extension options (2 x 1 year), if recommended by officers.

Budget Submission Projects Finalisation

Council moved an alternate recommendation to;

Note the Budget Submission Projects Finalisation report; Note the remaining budget submission amount of $82,377 to be allocated towards Category 2 projects; Allocate funding toward the following projects; a) Warragul Leisure Centre, Extended Outdoor Pool Hours $36,780 b) Bellbird Park Spectator Shelter $45,597; and, Write to the budget submitters relating to this report of Council’s decision and the specific reasons for the decision, in accordance with Council's Engagement Policy. Walhalla Footpath Project Update 

Council moved an alternate recommendation to;

Note complexities and budget shortfall to deliver the current adopted hybrid footpath design; Note the 2024/25 Budget Submission to investigate a pedestrian bridge over Stringers Creek (South of Post office) and consider as part of the Walhalla Movement and Transport Study; Endorse officers to undertake a Movement and Transport Feasibility Study across Walhalla; Engage with the Walhalla Community to develop a holistic approach to the future of transport and movement to support the long term future of the historic township; and, Complete the design of the currently endorsed hybrid footpath and construct a length of footpath that exhausts the remaining budget, commencing construction from Chainage 390. Petition Response - Fire Extinguisher Maintenance within Baw Baw Shire

Council moved an amended recommendation to;

Receive and note the petition response for Fire Equipment Maintenance within Baw Baw Shire; Support the decision on Fire Equipment Maintenance within Baw Baw Shire made under officer delegation; and, Advise the lead petitioner of Council's decision. Bellbird Park and Seaview Mechanics Institute Community Asset Committees

Council moved to;

Rescind the Bellbird Park Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee and assume ongoing management of the Bellbird Park Recreation Reserve; Acknowledge the services provided by the Bellbird Park Recreation Reserve Community Asset Committee members and thank each of them for their commitment to the management of Bellbird Park and their contribution to the wider Baw Baw community; Rescind the Bellbird Park Hockey Community Asset Committee and assume ongoing management of the Bellbird Park Synthetic Hockey Pitch and surrounds; Acknowledge the services provided by the Bellbird Park Hockey Community Asset Committee members and thank each of them for their commitment to the management of Bellbird Park Synthetic Hockey Pitch, including surrounds, and their contribution to the wider Baw Baw community; and, Establish the Seaview Mechanics Institute as a Community Asset Committee under Section 65 of the Local Government Act 2020. Award of Contract CON-2024010 Sand Road, Longwarry - Path Construction

Council moved an alternate recommendation to;

Award CON-2024010 - Path Construction at Sand Road, Longwarry - Separable Portion SP1 to Ace Earthmoving (Victoria) Pty Ltd, for the total lump sum of $500,063 excl. GST, plus contingency amounts Note the budget shortfall to deliver the remaining separable portions SP2 and SP3; Support Officers to continue to seek additional external funding to deliver the remaining project scope; Note that if additional external funding is not available, council will withdraw or defer current projects listed in 25/26 to re-allocate funding of $1.5M in the 2025/26 budget to complete delivery of remaining separable portions SP2 and SP3 in 2025/26; Authorise the Chief Executive Officer to sign the Contract; and, Delegate approval of contract variations to the Chief Executive Officer.

A Rescission Motion for this item was lodged following the Council Meeting.

In accordance with Council’s Governance Rules, the rescission motions must now be considered at the first available Ordinary Meeting of Council. Due to the Election Period, the rescission motions will be considered at the Council Meeting on 4 December 2024. No action will be taken on these matters until the resolution of the motions.  

Further information about the notices of rescission will be provided in the agenda for this Council Meeting, which will be published on Council’s website on 27 November 2024.

Award of Contract CON- 2024007 - Redevelopment of Rollo Street Park

Council moved to award CON-2024007 - Redevelopment of Rollo Street Park to Sustainable Landscaping Pty Ltd, for the total lump sum of $1,058,976 exc. GST, plus contingency amounts.

Council noted the revised total project budget amount of $1,763,656 exc. GST and returns any project savings back to the Open Space Reserve.

Council authorised the CEO to sign the contract and delegate approval of contract variations to the CEO. 

Options Report - Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct Library and Learning

Council acknowledged the successful funding contribution of $14.5M from the Federal Government through the Growing Regions Program towards the Baw Baw Culture & Connection: Library and Learning Centre and send a letter acknowledging this contribution.

Council noted the current endorsed funding model with a total project budget of $35M and current received funding contributions totaling $29M, and; the current funding application submitted for $5M through the State Government’s Regional Tourism Investment Fund 2024; Council will continue to advocate and apply for any relevant funding opportunities for contributions towards the Baw Baw Culture and Connection Precinct; Council endorsed officers to advertise the Expression of Interest (EOI) for construction during the forthcoming Council caretaker period, and; Authorised officers to commence the Albert Street Interface works outlined in the Civic Precinct Masterplan including but not limited to SP Ausnet's removal and upgrade of existing lighting and electrical infrastructure; and; Authorised officers to proceed with a full tender for construction if Council successfully receives $5M from the Regional Tourism Investment Fund application; and, Noted that if the Regional Tourism Investment Fund application is unsuccessful, Officers will present Council with a report outlining other funding options and/or revision of the project scope no later than 30 June 2025. Economic Development, Grants and Advocacy Dates and Occasions of Celebration and Significance Policy

Council noted the community feedback and adopted the Dates and Occasions of Celebration and Significance Policy and the associated Assessment Framework.

Council received a final calendar of dates and occasions of significance for endorsement following Officer's assessment of current events and community feedback no later than March 2025.

Strategy and Organisational Performance Early Years Facilities Assessment and Recommendations

Council noted the Feasibility Assessment of Early Years Infrastructure report and endorsed in principle the recommendations contained in the Feasibility Assessment of Early Years Infrastructure report as the basis of future advocacy efforts and seeking further grant funding opportunities.

Council will continue to investigate the viability of each of the recommendations in the Feasibility Assessment of Early Years Infrastructure report.

Community Satisfaction Survey Results 2024

Council noted the results of the Community Satisfaction Survey Results Survey 2024 and moved to publish the results of the Community Satisfaction Survey 2024 on the Council website.

Baw Baw Shire Council - Procurement Policy 2024 

Council adopted the Procurement Policy 2024.

Council noted the community consultation submissions and Officer responses.

Governance and Information Services Apex Picnic Area and Lookout Naming Proposal - Post Consultation 

Council moved an alternate recommendation to;

Abandon the proposal to rename Apex Lookout and Picnic Area as Little Charli's Lookout and Picnic Area; Consider alternative names for the site via community consultation following the October 2024 Council Election; and, Write to each submitter informing them of Council's decision.

A Rescission Motion for this item was lodged following the Council Meeting.

In accordance with Council’s Governance Rules, the rescission motions must now be considered at the first available Ordinary Meeting of Council. Due to the Election Period, the rescission motions will be considered at the Council Meeting on 4 December 2024. No action will be taken on these matters until the resolution of the motions.  

Further information about the notices of rescission will be provided in the agenda for this Council Meeting, which will be published on Council’s website on 27 November 2024.

2024 Advisory Committee Summary

Council noted the Advisory Committee Activity Summary Report for 2024, including meeting minutes and activity summaries lodged by the committee chairs.

Council thanked the community members who have volunteered their time to be part of Council's Advisory Committees this Council Term.
General Business CEO General Business Item - Storm Response

Acting CEO for the Meeting, Martin Hopley, moved a CEO General Business Item regarding the storm events of the past week or so, acknowledging the work Team Baw Baw has done responding to the damage caused and support requested by the community.

The motion also noted that the Mayor and CEO will write to the relevant ministers and government departments to seek an extension of time to submit reimbursement claims to ensure Council has as much information as possible before doing so.

Baw Baw Shire Council Council Meetings are open to the public and are held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre.

Council Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month and commence at 1.00pm. 

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.