Redlands Coast welcomes new citizens
Redland City Council 17 Sep 2024

Australian Citizenship Day 2024 was extra significant for the 163 residents who made the pledge to become citizens on the day.

They join the other 465 Redlands Coast residents who have become Australian citizens during ceremonies earlier this year.

Redland City Mayor Jos Mitchell welcomed the participants, who came from 30 countries, and their families and friends, at the citizenship ceremony at Redland Performing Arts Centre in Cleveland on Tuesday, 17 September.

“Australian citizenship represents a shared identity, one which unites us all while respecting our diversity,” the Mayor said.

“It is especially significant on Australian Citizenship Day – a time when, as a nation, we reflect on the meaning and importance of Australian citizenship and the responsibilities and privileges that come with it.

“Australia prides itself on being one of the most successful multicultural societies in the world and Redlands Coast prides itself on being a prime example of this.”

The Mayor said that almost one quarter of Redlands Coast residents were born overseas.

For photos from the citizenship event, visit Council’s photo album.