The following matters were considered and resolved at the Council Meeting held on 16 September 2024: 

Adopted by Council: 

Gambling Harm Minimisation Policy – The policy was adopted with amendments, following earlier community consultation and a rescission of its initial amended adoption at the August 2024 Council Meeting.

A total of 67 submissions were received and considered through the community consultation process, with a number of amendments made as a result – and in consideration of legal advice – to clarify wording around particular clauses.

Further amendments made at the September 2024 Council Meeting provide clearer guidance for Council and current Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) licence holders leasing Council-owned or managed land, supporting them to relinquish their EGM licence and divest themselves of EGMs.

Should the lessee successfully renew their lease, divestment of EGMs will commence no later than five years into the new lease and conclude at a maximum period of ten years.

The policy replaces the previously adopted Electronic Gaming Machine (Pokies) Community Policy.

Draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework (UDF) – Following a recent four-week community consultation period in July 2024 on the draft Kyneton UDF and with an updated draft tabled for adoption, Council endorsed an alternate motion to release the updated draft for further community consultation.

The draft Kyneton UDF, which establishes a future vision for Kyneton’s main commercial area and guidelines for new development, received close to 80 public submissions during the July 2024 consultation. A large proportion of these submissions focused solely on the issues of bicycle lanes and reduced speed limits.

As a result of external and internal feedback received since the July 2024 consultation, the updated draft UDF included changes relating to the wording and scope of key movement network projects, keeping it consistent with the adopted Kyneton Movement Network Plan, and to the wording and scope of particular urban design upgrades.

The updated draft UDF will be released for further community consultation until 20 December 2024 (with a start date to be confirmed, after Council’s Election Period concludes), with the outcomes of this to be reported on at the February 2025 Council Meeting.

Noted by Council: 

Draft Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme Amendment C161macr (Amess Road, Riddells Creek) – Council noted a second submission made to the Victorian Government in response to the recently advertised changes to drainage in Planning Scheme Amendment C161macr – Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan, Riddells Creek.

The Minister for Planning is considering whether to prepare, adopt and approve the draft Amendment which proposes to incorporate the Amess Road Precinct Structure Plan, Amess Road Developer Contributions Plan and associated documents into the Macedon Ranges Planning Scheme, as well as the Stage One Planning Permit for the subdivision of 182 lots.

Issues were raised in the first round of consultation regarding drainage and stormwater requirements, necessitating a second round of consultation via the Victorian Government’s Engage Victoria platform between 30 July and 27 August 2024.

Council’s submission highlighted a lack of assessment on the impact of downstream flows; Council being the responsible drainage authority under the amendments, a role which had not previously been envisioned or expected; inadequate time to review the ad hoc changes; and key documents not being updated to reflect the changes.

Annual Environment Report 2023-2024 – Council noted the Annual Environment Report for 2023-24, which provides an update regarding the progress of its Environment Strategy 2021 and the achievement of zero net emissions from Council operations by 2030.

The report also summarises the progress of the implementation of the Biodiversity Strategy 2018, Roadside Conservation Management Plan 2021 and various management plans for Council-managed reserves. The Environment Strategy is next due for review in 2026.

A key achievement identified in the report was the adoption of the Macedon Ranges Climate Emergency Plan 2023-2030 at the December 2023 Council Meeting, with implementation of some of the key priorities having already commenced.

Other matters: 

Reconciliation Plan 2024-27 – Council noted a total of 26 submissions received on the draft Reconciliation Plan 2024-27 (formerly the draft Reconciliation Action Plan), following recent community consultation undertaken in July-August 2024.

In consideration of feedback, several changes have been made to an updated version of the draft plan, with further consultation to be undertaken with the shire’s three Traditional Owner Groups prior to the final Plan being tabled for consideration at the December 2024 Council Meeting.

Traffic management support for Anzac Day services – Council requested the CEO to proceed to integrate an Anzac Day Traffic Management Support Fund into the community grants program, to help fund traffic management costs associated with Anzac Day services from 2026.

The officer report noted that prior to 2022, RSL sub-branches would use volunteers or local emergency services to assist with traffic management, however that practice was no longer allowed. This must now be undertaken by qualified personnel registered with the Department of Transport and Planning, resulting in cost increases.

Response to petition: Woodend multi-purpose field – Council noted receipt of two petitions (one electronic and one hard copy) regarding the development of a multi-use rectangular pitch/sports field within Woodend – suggested at either Woodend Racecourse Reserve or Quahlee Park – by the end of 2024.

Council’s resolution referred this potential project for consideration as part of the Woodend Racecourse Reserve Master Plan, which most recently consulted on an issues and opportunities paper in July-August 2024.

Contracts: Jacksons Creek footbridge, Gisborne and Kyneton Showgrounds netball development – Council delegated authority to the CEO to award a contract of works to replace the Jacksons Creek footbridge in Gisborne, connecting Dixon Field and the Gisborne Botanic Gardens. This will follow a tender process currently underway. 

Replacement of the footbridge, which was damaged in the October 2022 flood event and received funding earlier this year through the insurance claim process, is now expected to be completed by the end of March 2025. Updates on this project can be found on Council’s website. 

Council is also delegating authority to the CEO to award a contract to upgrade netball facilities at Kyneton Showgrounds, following a tender process which is expected to commence this month.  

The first phase of the project includes updates to the M.B.O’Sullivan pavilion, which will undergo a major redevelopment including the addition of player and umpire change rooms, amenities, storage, a first aid area, administration/office space and an undercover spectator zone. 

During this phase, temporary netball changerooms will be provided for the Kyneton Netball Club for the 2025 season. The second phase - construction of new netball courts – is targeted for completion prior to the 2026 netball season. Updates on this project can be found on Council’s website. 

Other matters: At the meeting, Council approved a Development Plan for a two-lot subdivision at 120 and 122 Saunders Road in New Gisborne; received and noted the final Quarterly Report for 2023-24 and associated budget carry forwards; and noted that advocacy would continue regarding the development of bus shelters across the shire, following an internal audit. 

Additionally, a resolution was made for an additional Council Meeting in October 2024 ─ 6pm, Wednesday 9 October, online ─ to consider Financial and Performance statements for endorsement, which is required for their inclusion in Council’s Annual Report.  

It was also resolved that the start time for the Council Meeting on Wednesday 23 October will be brought forward from 7pm to 6pm.  

Video recordings of past Council meetings are available on our Council meeting webcast page (generally available within two business days of a meeting).