Right To Know Week
Kyogle Council News 24 Sep 2024

This week is Right to Know Week, an international campaign that aims to raise awareness of the public’s right to access government-held information. In NSW, the Information and Privacy Commission encourages all NSW public sector agencies to improve their knowledge about their transparency obligations under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

Right to Know Week NSW runs from 23 – 29 September 2024, with the UN’s International Day for Universal Access to Information being celebrated on 28 September. This year’s theme is ‘Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector in NSW’.

Transparency is a core pillar for supporting public participation in the public sector. Mandated openness under legislation is one reason the GIPA Act in NSW is a world-leading example of how to mainstream transparency in the public sector.

Legally protected rights to access government information make public participation both possible and meaningful. Successful public participation can help create more responsive and effective policies and increase trust between community and public institutions.

In NSW, members of the public can seek information directly from many public sector agencies such as NSW government departments, councils, universities, state-owned corporations and ministerial offices. Some of this information is proactively available on websites or other publications, while other information needs to be requested.

Accessible information can include records about how a NSW state government agency or other type of public sector institution is operating and making decisions. It can also include an individual’s personal information that is held by a public sector agency. Personal information is information that can identify you, such as your name, address and contact details.

The public has a right to access information from Kyogle Council. You can access information that we have made available on our website as open access information, or you can make an informal request or, in some cases, you may need to make a formal access application. For more information on how to access our information, follow this link to Council access to information page.

Kyogle Council is a proud Champion of Right to Know Week NSW 2024 and is committed to supporting public participation through greater transparency.

The Information and Privacy Commission (IPC) can also help you understand information access laws in NSW and give you information on how to assert your rights. Learn more by visiting the IPC’s Right to Know Week webpage by following this link.